Valve should follow Epic and Id's Lead...


May 29, 2004
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IMHO, I think right now Valve should follow what Id and Epic have done with Quake and Unreal Tournament by releasing a stand alone game soley dedicated to modes, tons of new maps, vehilcles, etc...Valve has already stated that they're working on smaller projects to avoid burnout, which is great...I'm sure no one here wants to wait another 5 years for more content from Valve...
IMO, Quake 3 should've been named just standard Quake arena, cause it has notihng to do with the quake storyline and isn't really Quake related, just has more characters FROM quake. But, I've played Q3 since 1999, and I've only changed maps twice (the first half of the time i've played was just Tournament on Q3dm17, the second half is CTF on Q3CTF4) Having a HL:A would be cool, none the less.
Who said you will be waiting 5 years of more for content!?
Valve is continually updating all aspects of the Half Life universe and other products. We already know that there is a big CS S update on the way as well as more DM levels and a new gameplay mode. What more could you ask for??
Combine this with the unparalleled support for the mod community and you give every player the chance to make their own little project.
sounds pretty cool. i wonder what valve is capable of outside the HL universe...
SkateXer99 said:
IMO, Quake 3 should've been named just standard Quake arena, cause it has notihng to do with the quake storyline and isn't really Quake related, just has more characters FROM quake. But, I've played Q3 since 1999, and I've only changed maps twice (the first half of the time i've played was just Tournament on Q3dm17, the second half is CTF on Q3CTF4) Having a HL:A would be cool, none the less.

quake storyline?
quake 1 barely had a storyline, and quake 2, though it had stuff about strogg yadda yadda, had nothing to do with quake 1
shaggy2039 said:
IMHO, I think right now Valve should follow what Id and Epic have done with Quake and Unreal Tournament by releasing a stand alone game soley dedicated to modes, tons of new maps, vehilcles, etc...Valve has already stated that they're working on smaller projects to avoid burnout, which is great...I'm sure no one here wants to wait another 5 years for more content from Valve...
Despite the fact that UT is shittastic compared to HLDM and HL2DM?

Quake 3 was good though, but vechiles and shit don't belong in DM.
ComradeBadger said:
Despite the fact that UT is shittastic compared to HLDM and HL2DM?

Quake 3 was good though, but vechiles and shit don't belong in DM.

vehicles don't belong in DM? are you serious? it's the single coolest thing about UT2004 and adds a whole other dynamic to the game when you have vehicles...

and UT is shittastic compared to HLDM? come on now...that's pushing it...

if anything, Quake 3 sucked compared to either HLDM and UT...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Thats exactly what i was just thinking....... :p

ofcourse I've heard of it...I can't wait for it...
but that's still not HL2DM to me...I'm talking about building a game that really utilizes all the potential uses for the physics engine (gravity gun), vehicles, in a way that still revolves around the HL2 universe...
COMPLETE BULLSH*T IDEA. Like many people I only bought HL2 after it was confirmed they would be turning the game from:-

Half-Game 2 ---> Half-Life 2 + Multiplayer

Having a stand alone multiplayer package is a waste of time. Let them continue to update and improve the free HL2DM.
Don't know 'bout you, but TF2 sounded like a multiplayer game to me... :|
FrancoC said:
COMPLETE BULLSH*T IDEA. Like many people I only bought HL2 after it was confirmed they would be turning the game from:-

Half-Game 2 ---> Half-Life 2 + Multiplayer

Having a stand alone multiplayer package is a waste of time. Let them continue to update and improve the free HL2DM.

first off calm's not bullshit...try telling epic and Id that the millions of copies they've sold are bullshit...ofcourse Valve will continue to update and improve the free be honest it's in their best interest to continue doing that, seeing how many reviewers and people were pissed that it didn't come out of the box with HL2DM...doesn't mean I'm not thankful for it's just common knowledge that it upset a large amount of people...

regardless...I personally am not interested in more war based MP' have battlefield 2 and rainbow 6's that cover that ground...I'm saying take a year and a half and produce a game with 50+ super hi-quality maps, listen to the suggestions for mp from the community (because they're really good), and build an MP game centered around HL2's theme...
HLDM just been released like a week ago. And your already comparing it to UT and Quake?

Cant you guys be paitient and wait? HLDM is gonna be updated constantly (more so then UT and Quake) with new features and shit
shaggy2039 said:
vehicles don't belong in DM? are you serious? it's the single coolest thing about UT2004 and adds a whole other dynamic to the game when you have vehicles...

and UT is shittastic compared to HLDM? come on now...that's pushing it...

if anything, Quake 3 sucked compared to either HLDM and UT...
UT was a very slow game, too slow for me (in terms of move speed) it's weapon's lacked 'clout' and felt a bit odd to me

And while vehicles may add a new dynamic to gameplay, they are overused, and this isn't those games if you want that, you are free to play them :)
There is a fundamental problem with vehicles, in my mind. The problem is that if the vehicle doesn't have higher firepower or travelling speed, there's no point picking one up. But at the same time, the moment you get in a vehicle you become a much more obvious target. Which means you tend to get smacked down more by the big weapons the infantry have to take you down. Which is no fun. But then it's no fun for the infantry being killed alot by a git in a vehicle.

So, in summary, balancing vehicles with infantry combat is tough.
Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Vehicles are (generally) fast, infantry are manoeuvrable

Vehicles are better armed and armoured, infantry have the advantage of cover and numbers

It's not that hard to balance.
How is UT2004 slow?

I agree about the weapons though - for some reason they don't really seem to have any real power behind them, possibly because most of them can kill the enemy very effectively, so there isn't a huge disparity between them unlike say the SMG or pistol vs magnum in HL2.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Vehicles are (generally) fast, infantry are manoeuvrable

Vehicles are better armed and armoured, infantry have the advantage of cover and numbers

It's not that hard to balance.

I agree...which is why they need to bring in the vehicles...
for the apparently oh so small number :rolleyes: of people who love it...
God, I thought you were going to be all "Lets follow ID's lead and realease absolutely shitty multiplayer like in Doom3!"
Funny, I thought the post would follow up on the title like this:

I think Valve should follow Epic and Id's lead...

...and start sucking.
Prototelis said:
God, I thought you were going to be all "Lets follow ID's lead and realease absolutely shitty multiplayer like in Doom3!"

Hey, I don't know about you, but I was sorely disappointed when I found out that neither CS:S or HL2DM would only have four players running around in the dark. Dammit, I expected the flashlight to play a pivotal role! Half-Life 2 sucks!
Heh, I didnt relize there were so many players from q3/ut going to hl2dm.

I was actually thinking of starting a community for ex-q3'ers that are now coming to hl2dm (we seem to be on a differnt mindset than hldm people) but I didnt think there were enough players.

maybe I was wrong :eek:
ComradeBadger said:
Despite the fact that UT is shittastic compared to HLDM and HL2DM?

Quake 3 was good though, but vechiles and shit don't belong in DM.

UT DM overpowers HL/HL2 dm, imo. Ut2003/004, however, are shittastic :D

Vehicles would only work in DM that is non-competitive. Otherwise you'll have all those pro ******s whinign about unfair balance etc. ****ing chavs, the lot of them.
Mediocrity said:
Hey, I don't know about you, but I was sorely disappointed when I found out that neither CS:S or HL2DM would only have four players running around in the dark. Dammit, I expected the flashlight to play a pivotal role! Half-Life 2 sucks!
i know! well, we got the lag of D3 MP at least
jimmyjam said:
quake storyline?
quake 1 barely had a storyline, and quake 2, though it had stuff about strogg yadda yadda, had nothing to do with quake 1

I agree Quake 2 was the one that was a misfit in the series. I skipped it and joined the Unreal world until Quake III Arena came out.
quake2 has a good multiplayer though. i still play q2ctf sometimes.
I'm more of a singleplayer - storyline kind of guy than playing the same levels/gametypes with people 10x better than you and always saying "damn n00bs". Besides, you have Source, HL2, DM, and soon TF2, what more do you want? As I've said before in this forum, some of you guys are spoiled.
They are. The main reason Source came into existence was the fact they realized they could not make TF2 the game they wanted without a new engine. With fans expecting a sequel to the best selling fps and most downloaded, selling, and played mod they had rethink things. Knock TF2 down on the priorities list and make more of what worked. A good move seeing as how revenues from these will lead to a better and more polished TF2. They can also "borrow" good ideas from mods developed for HL2 hehe.

Team Fortress 2 will be just like you wanted. Maybe not the hyped version in your mind, but it will definetly include the basics of what an all multiplyer only game needs to have these days. Hopefully a whole lot more. Heck it might break the law of game developing that says multiplayer only games always have weak single player that seems like an after though. Cause in this case the main AI and scripting components are already there to do a good job.

Good things come to those who wait, and Team Fortress 2 is definetly not vaporware.
All of you people who prefer SP over MP must be bitter because you have played CS. Avoid that ses pool and play the MP games with a community of people who have reached puberty. The Call Of Duty community is 10x more welcoming than the CS community... if you can call it that.
Just wait for TF2, im sure it will blow us all away. The original concept was soooo good. 9 Player Classes - each with disticntly different weapons and roles, yet each fulfilling a pivotal role within a team.

Soldier - Bread and Butter of defence with RPG, Frag and Nail grenades to cover when out of position.
HW Guy - Great for choke points on maps
Spy - Exploits gaps in enemies defence to get in and cause havoc! So much fun playing this one
Medic - Heals up players, and with his concs and frag grenades, can punch holes in enemies defences and move in quickly to exploit them.
Scout - Gets in holes created by medics or just does 1337 concs to get round defences and run the flag out at high speed!
Engineer - Last line of defence with his awesome sentry gun
Sniper - Cos everyone wants to be a lone wolf sniper hehe
Demo man - Great on offence or defence with his pipe traps, high movement speed and destructive MIRV grenades
Pyro - OK maybe just one useless class hehe

OK so maybe TF2 isnt going to be as cartoony as TFC but it will still use the class system - something that hasnt been used to such an effective degree in any MOD or game that ive seen! Sure in some games you can buy different weapons, or start with different weapons, but the playing styles arent as diverse as they are in Team Fortress.

Anyway I think it will totally change the MP scene.
If Valve manage to pull off Team Fortress 2 by doing for multiplayer what they have done to singleplayer (refining it beyond belief) then the game will be nice nice.
so you guys are saying then that Valve will put the gravity gun in TF2? because it still isn't HL2DM without the grav gun...

you see my point? I feel like a broken record here...

HL2:Arena or whatever they decide to call it, still revolves around things that would've been in the HL2 universe which IMHO can lead to way more creative use of game's physics...

you know what I mean?
I say we get Valve to have a editor like the one for UT, hammer is so old school.
I'd prefer expansion packs for HL2 plus we have loads of mods on their way. it may be a bit sneaky lwtting the community do all the work but for people like me who can't make mods or maps it's cool as we just sit back and play :).
Bastion said:
I say we get Valve to have a editor like the one for UT, hammer is so old school.
I prefer Hammer to UT's editor, it's just a matter of taste really, and Hammer's better for some things than others.