

The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Phillip Marlowe, well known in the Half-Life community for his site PlanetPhillip and his work on Podcast 17 has just launched a brand new site called with the goal of better uniting the Valve fan community. The site catalogs Valve-related websites, covering anything from editing to news, in a simple database. From their "About" section:

Each website page contains a basic screenshot, a brief and factual description, a direct text link, a community rating, a list of games it covers, descriptive tags and a full length screenshot

The site is looking pretty slick, and it's a safe bet that there are plenty of sites listed that you've never heard of before, so head on over and check it out. Be sure to register and vote 5 stars for (you know you love us) and submit any sites you know of that aren't listed.

Oh, and:
Happy New Years!
lolwtf, "community rating"?

How exactly did he/whoever "rate" our community?

Edit: Oh, votes from people.

That's even more ridiculous.

How do you rate a community? What does that mean?

Collective length of member penises?

Other than that nitpicky detail, that's an impressive site. Though I don't have any interest in another but!
His rating system is like this I think:

1 - don't visit
2 - visit once
3 - visit once a month
4 - visit once a week
5 - visit everyday
What does that have to do with the community though?
It just means rate the site based on usefulness on a scale of 1-5, I dunno.
Ohh I see, it's a rating by the community, not a rating of the community. /facepalm at self
Forget to take your medication today?
I give you a one.
Sorry... but what is the point in this?

I don't see any use for this, or any reason to want to visit it ever again.
Their logo is *quite* similar to SteamFriends logo....

Funny thing is that they don't have SF listed there...
This is pretty crazy if you think about it. I mean Company's and fan sites, games have fansites. But a site that collects fan sites for a company? Its like a whole new level of Valve Fan. Which is great!

Guess who left the 1st comment about this site.
I give a 4 for having too many whiney people. I give PHL a 2 for having A LOT of whiney people, mods that dont care about much, poor updating, its super slow and theres only like 4 active users each day. left4dead 411 gets a 5 for always keeping up to date on left 4 dead news, having a tight community, well maintained...

Their logo is *quite* similar to SteamFriends logo....

Funny thing is that they don't have SF listed there...
Indeed, and SF is one of my favourite Valve / Steam related websites, I'm quite surprised it wasn't included. Nice comments for the site :) The overview for our site doesn't mention that we are hosted and supported by Valve themselves.
I am not enough of a dedicated gamer and Valve fanboy to have more then one "community" at a time and already propasitioned me with its tawdry sordid hooker ways.

Also new years would be better if it came with hookers, nice clean hotty hookers.
His rating system is like this I think:

1 - don't visit
2 - visit once
3 - visit once a month
4 - visit once a week
5 - visit everyday

YAAAY! I visit everyday!
SO I voted 5, I'm not gonna leave a comment I might f*ck things up.

Krynn72 said:
Its Safer Here.

It's NOT Safer here.
I give a 4 for having too many whiney people. I give PHL a 2 for having A LOT of whiney people, mods that dont care about much, poor updating, its super slow and theres only like 4 active users each day. left4dead 411 gets a 5 for always keeping up to date on left 4 dead news, having a tight community, well maintained...


Shame on you for giving PHL a 2. It was the heart of Half-Life community back in 90's.
This is pretty crazy if you think about it. I mean Company's and fan sites, games have fansites. But a site that collects fan sites for a company? Its like a whole new level of Valve Fan. Which is great!

Guess who left the 1st comment about this site.

Aww it's a virtual home :)

I would say that too to be fair but I haven't been around as long as Asuka has.
Shame on you for giving PHL a 2. It was the heart of Half-Life community back in 90's.

It was an easy 5 back in 04. But its fallen downhill since then. I was warned there because i told a guy who did nothing but shit-talk, and rant about valve games that he needs to chill and not play valve games if he get annoyed by them so much, then i asked him why he was there. The admins all sent me messages that ill be banned next time i 'troll him' or 'flame him' like that again. The admins are actually quite nice but its like wtf... So i came here, and found it much better. Still whiney people who get annoyed overcritical of everything, but not as much.

That site is hardly active these days anyway, and they're behind on news...
Yeah, I heard Gamespy employees ban/delete anything they don't like.
If you go to podcast 17, one of the guests sounds exactly like Micheal Caine...



Not sure what that has to do with anything... BUT HL2.NET GETS A 5 FROM ME!

Maybe. But I want something in exchange. $5000 cash.
Sorry... but what is the point in this?

I don't see any use for this, or any reason to want to visit it ever again.

The point of the site is to make finding websites that cover Valve's games easy. AT the moment it only has 20 or so websites but in 6 months it may have hundreds. AT that point you might find some interesting sites that you wouldn't have found otherwise.

Of course if one site is enough for you then you are sorted.

Their logo is *quite* similar to SteamFriends logo....

Funny thing is that they don't have SF listed there...

Yes, you are right. Nothing on purpose though. I wanted something that signified a group of people and I made them shape like a V, that's all.

Nothing funny involved with their omission. I launched the site with only a few websites listed and I hadn't visited them for a while. (They submitted and I added them).

Indeed, and SF is one of my favourite Valve / Steam related websites, I'm quite surprised it wasn't included. Nice comments for the site :) The overview for our site doesn't mention that we are hosted and supported by Valve themselves.

That's because whoever submitted this site didn't include those details in the description text.

I'll add the details now.
Argh, please don't multipost - use the quote feature instead :)
If I want mods I'll go to ModDB, and my homepage has a few feeds that give me all my Valve news making this website quite pointless. But if other people find it useful then I guess it's not pointless.
I see what your trying to say but link directories have never been popular.

If you want anything Steam/Source related, I could use 2-3 keywords to find exactly what I want in Google, faster than trailing through a Links Directory full of hundreds of sites.
I'll add the details now.
Many thanks Phillip, good luck with the site. I'll keep checking back to see how it goes. Your contribution across the community generally is really impressive, with Podcast 17 thrown in too. Keep up the enthusiasm for what you do. :)
Wow, I had never heard of many of the sites that have been added now. I guess that was the intention of this list, but I have to thank you guys once again for your awesome ideas and helpfulness! is the top-rated site on there at the moment, good job guys.