ValveTime Weekly News Round-Up - 11th November 2012 + Source 2 Announced


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May 29, 2007
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Source 2 is clearly not news. It's pretty obvious they would be working on a new engine and probly have been for 5 years. Thats how game development works...
With that logic HL3 is not news either.
"Ricochet 2 has started development" .... How long has it taken for them to develop all of the non-Half-Life games they've been releasing? Seeing as they have had ample time to work concept and design layout, "Ricochet 2" has to be coming out within 2 years. My guess is that next year will be the year that they finally show a reveal trailer (at the very least). Perhaps the reason it is taking so much time is because they decided half way through that they need to build it on Linux and at that point they said "*** it, let's just make a new engine." Just guesses though.
The best thing that could come out of Source 2 is level streaming... no more load screens please!