Vampire: The Masquerade


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score


I would so replay this if I wasn't so freaked out the first time by that damn Ocean House level. Anyway. How awesome is the Prince ending? Funkay.
Do you mean Bloodlines.
Because thats the biggest piece of crap I have ever loved with all my heart.
Jintor said:


I would so replay this if I wasn't so freaked out the first time by that damn Ocean House level. Anyway. How awesome is the Prince ending? Funkay.

VtM is on my "top 5 game series I want another sequel to"-list. A fantastic game marred by lack of polish and some pretty brutal bugs.

Shame they never offically patched those horrible, horrible bugs. :( It had the potential to become one of best games evah!
Mmm. But Troika folded :(

Still, I gave in, started again, and although the beginning cutscene was STILL out of sync (though less out of sync than before), I was enjoying talking to Laughing Jack as much as I used to. Amazing game. Makes me look forwards to Afterwath and Alyx. Jack is such an awesome guy.
I loved that game, one of my favorite RPGs. There were a few flaws like the lack of polish and everything eventually resulting in combat, but it was still a great game. I didn't notice the bugs too much, but the frequent long load times really bothered me.
boglito said:
VtM is on my "top 5 game series I want another sequel to"-list. A fantastic game marred by lack of polish and some pretty brutal bugs.


Its an great game despite its bugginess, I think a mod remake with the latest Source build should be worth it.
Its an great game despite its bugginess, I think a mod remake with the latest Source build should be worth it.

I second that, although I wonder if Activision would allow that. Excellent game, despite the bugs. Too bad Troika went under.
i never come to play or showed intresst in the game, if i get the chance i would love to test it because ive heard great things about it and seen a impressive video or two. Im just affraid that its not..."good" lol, i dont know anything, all i know is that its an FPS where you shot vampiers, but im sure its much more then that, im just to lazy to find out and therefore i have never payed attention to it...sad i know.
I bought the game based on the feedback from users like you guys, biggest mistake I've made in my game purchasing career. Buggy POS.
The game wasn't as open and awesome as I would have liked. It felt so... small.

I wish there could be a living, thriving city like in GTA... with wilderness and stuff. Where you could be a vampire or a werewolf and kill/eat people etc.

Raziaar said:
The game wasn't as open and awesome as I would have liked. It felt so... small.

I wish there could be a living, thriving city like in GTA... with wilderness and stuff. Where you could be a vampire or a werewolf and kill/eat people etc.


There is a mod that makes it open-ended like that...:imu:
My friend was thinking about a World of Darkness MMO, but we eventually decided the amount of conflicting storylines and politics would asplode it. It'd be fun to play through Gahenna or the Apocolypse, though...
For those that still play (or want to play) this game: the 2.5 version of the unofficial patch is out.
It would be one of the best games I ever played if it wasnt so buggy it is was impossible for me to finish it.
Homless Snark said:
There is a mod that makes it open-ended like that...:imu:

****ing tease >.>

It's an excellent game, very very underrated.

It has top-notch graphics, voice acting, level design, and a great story.

The only thing I really didn't like about the game is the combat.
Every melee weapon is pretty much the same, minus stat changes. :|
They all have the same animations, it really bugged me when I finally got katana only to realize that it feels exactly like the other melee weapons.

And gun combat is rather quirky too, if you crouch it has no affect on your aim.
It's all about stats, the automatic weapons have insane recoil up the wazoo.

But, despite those few things.
The game is a gem, the unofficial patches certainly fixed up -quite- a few bugs and crashes.

Hell, I highly recommend that anyone hasn't tried it yet, should definitely check it out.
It's in the bargain bins, and you can find it by other means too.

You just really have to get the unofficial patches.
boglito said:
VtM is on my "top 5 game series I want another sequel to"-list. A fantastic game marred by lack of polish and some pretty brutal bugs.

I enjoyed the game, but the bugs were too severe, so I never really got that far in the game.
xlucidx said:
****ing tease >.>

It's an excellent game, very very underrated.

It has top-notch graphics, voice acting, level design, and a great story.

The only thing I really didn't like about the game is the combat.
Every melee weapon is pretty much the same, minus stat changes. :|
They all have the same animations, it really bugged me when I finally got katana only to realize that it feels exactly like the other melee weapons.

And gun combat is rather quirky too, if you crouch it has no affect on your aim.
It's all about stats, the automatic weapons have insane recoil up the wazoo.

But, despite those few things.
The game is a gem, the unofficial patches certainly fixed up -quite- a few bugs and crashes.

Hell, I highly recommend that anyone hasn't tried it yet, should definitely check it out.
It's in the bargain bins, and you can find it by other means too.

You just really have to get the unofficial patches.

MMm. The best part of V:TM is the roleplaying. And the Voice Acting. In fact, pretty much everything non-combat and non-buggy.