Vampire The Masqurade: Bloodlines


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Just got this a few days ago, and it is definatly one of the best CRPGs I have played. Its got great character interactions, combat light mostly (a good thing IMO), many problems can be solved by talking instead of fighting, memorable characters. Its simply a must have for anyone who likes a crpg (do not be fooled its not a FPS). The only downsides is that it could use the physics of the source engine better and the performance is not top notch.
I agree, this was a really good game. I don't agree about the good game performance though, I was lagging like hell. I beated the game 3 times... to see the 3 endings.

In February, there were rumors that Troika was closing its studios, dunno if that's right.
I'm dying to play this game.
It shoud be relatively cheap now...
Yeah, it's really great. There was a forum dedicated to this, but I think it's gone now.
Ti133700N said:
I agree, this was a really good game. I don't agree about the good game performance though

Read again.

Ti133700N said:
In February, there were rumors that Troika was closing its studios, dunno if that's right.

Yeah, sadly they've closed down.

Great game though.
Well if they've closed down their business then what's wrong with "borrowing" it from the vast libraries of the internet?
...Damn after checking EBGames / Gamestop / Walmart / Bestbuy's websites, it's still $40...except for Bestbuy...Only $30 :D
Harryz said:
Read again.

Ok we agree on that then :)

HL2 is playable on my comp (Athlon 2000+ GF4Ti4200) but Vampire was lagging everytime I was going outside of a building (in the town).
I would have played it more, but it felt so buggy and incomplete I coudn't stand it. It's really too bad, because there's a great game hidden underneath all the glitches and such.
KagePrototype said:
I would have played it more, but it felt so buggy and incomplete I coudn't stand it. It's really too bad, because there's a great game hidden underneath all the glitches and such.
Yeah, I played was..horrible. They could have spend one more month of making it actually decent, instead of having every characger have models clipping with themselves, people getting recreated when the camera changed (you could see them getting spawned every flutters or they jerk or something) but it was kind of enjoyable..but I just couldn't play it for long :(
The game was great but IMO, they should not have used source, it's to next gen, so it's really hard on the system and has horrible loading times, and tha fact that you have to load every time you enetr or leave a place works against the free gamplay, they should have chosen the ut2 engine or somthing, would have been a lot smoother. But anyway, I agree, it was one of the most memorable games I played, and it was so beautifull, that it was just a pleasure beeing in the world they created, just walking talking, and all the options, wonderfull.
Pesmerga said:
The google ads for this thread scare me :(
lol me too.:eek:

i got vm:b for xmas but never finished it tbh, i still have here in my drawer actually, never really felt like completing it, got to the second city but it was so buggy and the performance was crap...
jimbo118 said:
lol me too.:eek:

i got vm:b for xmas but never finished it tbh, i still have here in my drawer actually, never really felt like completing it, got to the second city but it was so buggy and the performance was crap...
exactly, a real shame.
Ti133700N said:
In February, there were rumors that Troika was closing its studios, dunno if that's right.
Troika did close down. I believe the rights to fallout3 went to Bethesda Software, although I may be mistaken
My bro bought it. I played it but then got so fed up with its performance that I uninstalled it and locked it away.

I'll give it another go when I have a more powerful system.
i got up2 chinatown until i hit a bug which stopped me from completing one of the quests :(
I prefered this to Half-Life 2 for some strange reason. And all its glitches wouldn't stop me playing. It involved me from the start to the end. Which is a good thing.

However what it did do is show off many of the things Source can do really really well. Take form example Character interaction. The recorded voices, mixed with the lip sync and the expression engine made talking to people that much more interesting and enjoyable. Talking to Jack or the Prince had a sense of realism many games lack.

Not to mention VV rocks.
Not quite. The "Dancer" in Vesuvius. Now there was a character that had a reaction in almost any player. Superbly voiceacted and animated I must say.
...So many mixed views on this game.

Maybe I'll hold off until it hits the $20 price tag...
Venmoch said:
Not quite. The "Dancer" in Vesuvius. Now there was a character that had a reaction in almost any player. Superbly voiceacted and animated I must say.

Thats what I mean, if you are maldavian you call her a talking doll. You call almost no one by their name, mercurio is the fleet footed god, the one with mulitpli personality disorder is the white and black doughter of janus, the prince is the jester and nines is the one with names of numbers etc...
Its a good game but you'll find the quality of the game generally gets less and less the further into it you get it. Hence why the first few levels of the game are really really good.
There have been a couple of patches that sorted out some of the problems.
Ill be getting this game soon. From the mixed reviews im not to happy, but we'll see when i play it.
Sparta said:
Its a good game but you'll find the quality of the game generally gets less and less the further into it you get it. Hence why the first few levels of the game are really really good.

True, but the end still has its moments. Like the observatory O.o Now that I have a 7.1 Surround system I want to really play that again :P
Terrible performance and too many bugs - not suprised Troika went out of business selling crap like that.
The underlying game guys really is magnificent, I understand you think it was crap then becasue of the bugs and performance, but you should really try it later when you have a better pc.
But does anyone know what happend to the troika guys, after the closing down.
I just ordered this for £5.99 from win for me :D
I'm going to wait for a 'Vampire: Streets of LA' (nothing to do with the masqurade) mod for Unreal Engine 3.0
Just got the game and d/l'd the v. 1.2 patch from GameSpot, there is an unofficial v. 1.5 patch as well, should i get that?
Evo said:
Just got the game and d/l'd the v. 1.2 patch from GameSpot, there is an unofficial v. 1.5 patch as well, should i get that?
if its've never trusted those.
i'll hang on then and see how it plays before risking an unofficial patch then
I've tried the unofficial patches (not the last version though cuz I already beated the game 3 times) and it worked fine. I don't know how they can make unofficial patches but I can say this guy impresses me.
Troika games is closed for buisness, so who now owns the rights to the Vampire series?
Troika games is closed for buisness, so who now owns the rights to the Vampire series?

I tought white wolf did all the time?