Vanity on the rise among U.S college students


Oct 3, 2003
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Today's college students are more narcissistic and self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and American society.
Well you selfish narcissistic bastards, are you of the opinion that all of creation revolves around you, you can do anything you want with your life, do you step on as many peoples heads as you like to advance yourself and never ever even contemplate the meaning of sacrifice??

Vanity whores..all of you. ALL OF YOU.

Get out of my forum.

Please discuss this issue intellectually.
If anything, I think I'm less vain than my previous generation. I'm so ****ing scared of the real world and I don't know if I can cut it. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to end up in a trailer somewhere even WITH a bachelors degree.
I'm too busy perfecting my chiseled body to write a serious response
I'm a lot less vain than a lot of people.

In fact, I'm the LEAST vain, so I win.
I'm the prettiest person in my school, so I'm not vain.
I don't like people in general because of their stupidity, egocentricity, and general annoyance factor, I guess that would include everyone here.
The standardized inventory, known as the NPI, asks for responses to such statements as "If I ruled the world, it would be a better place,"

Well with president Bush as president, I could safely say that a 11 year old-autistic boy could be better at the presidency
so the point is that everone go "I am perfect you not kiss my anus" in the schools?
I go to a military school. We're not allowed to be vain.

But those prats next door at W&L are rich, selfish assholes.
Thats how we were raised.

"oooh, everyone is special in their own way"
"oooh, always fight for your dreams"
"oooh, never let anyone tell you that you cant do something"

Result: People grow up saying "**** you, im unique and special, and I will do what i want"
I'm very vain, but I admit it, and don't care :)
There's a gigantic difference between knowing you're vain and not knowing it. Ignorant vain people are right about the worst kind you can get, and should be promptly assassinated when given the chance.