VC++ 2003 or VS 2003




I'm just starting to learn C++ for amongst other things game modding. (It may take a while but I will get there ;))

I'm able to get the academic editions of either VC ++ 2003 or VS 2003 but is it worth spending the extra money on Visual Studio??

As far as HL2 is concerned is VC++ 2003 OK and supported.

With 2005 edition out early next year am I best to hold on and use Dev C in the mean time. As far as I can see 2005 will support .Net Framework 2 (No use for modding) but will it make any changes to ANSI/ISO support & features??

If I found a tutorial written in prue ANSI C++ would I be able to compile it in VC 2003?

Sorry for the dumb questions but I want to spend my money wisely.

Cheers :)
It depends on if you like the studio or not. There are free studios out there to download. And I mean legally.
2ltben said:
It depends on if you like the studio or not. There are free studios out there to download. And I mean legally.

Ermm did you read my post lol.

I haven't used Visual C ++ or any of the other products so I wouldn't know if I like it until I buy it??

What I'm asking really is will I be OK with just Visual C++ 2003 or does the full Studio package add any useful/important features to VC++. I don't really care about the other languages you get apart from purhaps VB with

When you say other studios I take it you mean IDE's like Dev-C++ which I have used but I want to get VC++ in one form or another.
Visual C++ has all you ned for C++. I've had visual C++ 6 for awhile and it's working fine for me and my limited C++ usage.
forget VC6, dont buy it, regardless of how cheap you can get it, its broken and wrong and i've done a few rants on the subject :)

VC++03 should be enuff for you, its basicaly VS.Net03 with all the extra unneed stuff stripped out and just for C++.

HOWEVER, I'd hold out, the Express Edition versions are coming out soon (well, Xmas) and are looking to be quite cheap while having all the power of the full VS stuff for that language.
It will have updated support for the C++ language as well, making it more complient (something VC6 isnt. at all.)

So, if you really want one now, getting the VC++03 version should do you fine, if you want to do other stuff than C++ then the whole VS package might be better but only if its not too much extra cost.
If you can wait then get the Express Edition version.
Hi thanks for that.

I have been using the 2005 Express Beta but its missing loads of header files. Windows.h being one of them. I assumed that becasue you can only make .net windows apps with the express edition that this was a Win32 header file??

I noticed the error when trying to compile some basic console apps tutorials. Thats where my theory goes wrong... why would a console app use a Win32 header file.... :( my head hurts :)

Think I'll just order VC++ 2003 and a good book...