Vector cones, entities, and my mod


Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Firing cones, entities, and my mod

Well I have a coding question for all y’all, but first an introduction.

This was primarily inspired from the long wait in between cs:s rounds.

The mod idea is pretty simple,
1. Capture the Flag with Counter Strike: Source weapons and game play.
2. Pretty much like HL2DM CTF, only that you can only carry one primary (rifles and the such) and one secondary (pistol) weapons.
3. No sprint, and the speed that the player moves is like cs:s, however when you take the flag you run a little faster, and drop primary weapon (just pistol)
4. The spawn points are not right next to the flag, so that you can just spawn and open fire. Also there is a three to five second wait before spawn.
5. Health packs and weapons will be here and there.

Will not include all cs:s weapons, just enough to represent the different weapon groups.


Q. Isn’t that a hellava lot like Halo CTF?

A. Well, kinda of, sorta of... Yes. I really like the halo ctf model, however a big difference between this mod and halo is that there probably won’t be a lot of master chiefs running around. Though if someone wants to model master chief, I could work that in as a model. That is pretty snazzy idea. Right now it looks like it is going to be combine versus resistance, though that is kind of old.

The goal behind the mod is have a continuous cs:s experience without losing the teamwork aspect of it all. Anyone wants to help, encourage me, or just plain down want to type some words, give me an email at [email protected] :monkee:

But I digress, my questions are:
1. How do I add new entities in the hammer editor so that I can place the cs:s weapons in the maps?
2. How can I find the recoil, firing cones, etc, of the cs:s weapons?
3. Should I make a HL2 mod, or a HL2DM mod?
1. your going to have to code the weapons first, then worry about map entities
2. you have no access to that information, you can figure it out by trial and error though
3. HL2DM :)

have you considered a server plugin instead?
Thanks Onions,

You know what they say, Orges are like Onions, they have lots of layers.

So, you know, you... ah... have lots of layers?

can you give me the rundown on server plugins, or direct me to said information?