Vegans ban sex with meat-eaters


Aug 17, 2006
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A group of New Zealand vegans - people who do not eat any animal products - are shunning sex with meat eaters, claiming their bodies are made up of animal carcasses, a researcher said in a newspaper today.

"When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals," vegan Nichola Kriek told the Christchurch daily The Press.

Another said: "I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of others who have died for their sustenance."

Annie Potts, co-director of the New Zealand Centre for Human and Animal Studies at Canterbury University, identified the people she called "vegansexuals" in her research study, Cruelty-Free Consumption in New Zealand: A National Report on the Perspectives and Experiences of Vegetarians and other Ethical Consumers.

So they are not only repulsed by eating meat but by meat eaters as well? I suppose it makes sense if you really, really disliked eating meat.
So I've been having sex with animal carcasses?

Goddamnit. Like it wasn't hard enough already.
Well...I guess you are what you eat :thumbs:

Vegans are made up of dead plants then. We have to eat other organisms to survive, otherwise we wouldn't be animals. Sure, I'd prefer to photosynthesize, but there's really no way of getting around eating living things.

What, plants don't count?

Then I'm afraid the argument doesn't work. Drawing an arbitrary line between animals and plants is worthless.
I stopped having sex with vegans a few years ago
So I've been having sex with animal carcasses?


Any veal or lamb? Cause that would make you a... NECROPEDOBEASTIALITIST!!!

But seriously, that has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.
Well...I guess you are what you eat

Vegans are made up of dead plants then.
Obviously that means we need to start drilling Vegans for oil.
My stomach must be a massive graveyard then! :laugh: Can't believe I'm saying this but, whatever. There was these 2 girls in my shop about, oh, 2-3 years ago in school. They were vegetarians but were fat but not too fat. Now for a long time I kept thinking "why are they fat when their diet is mostly plant products?" I can't even know what I was thinking at the time when I said this. Maybe I was picking on them for jokes because the rest of the shop was too idk. I asked one of them, "Your're vegetarian right?" Her:"Yea.." Me:"Then how come you're fat?" Her other veg friend looked at her like "he did not just say that" face and meanwhile I'm thinking, "wtf brain?!" Let's just say never ever say that to fat vegetarians. Ironically everybody started calling her fat after that with no consequences. We made up afterwards by me pulling her to aside after class and apologizing. So embarrassing but we're still friends in college now. Turned out she goes to McDonalds and buys french fries a lot and eating junk food. Her friend stopped being a vegetarian as well. *She brought in veggie burgers on the last day of school and they were terrible. We slipped her a beef patty and she ate it. We asked how she liked it and she said, "it was good. Why?" So we were like, "it was beef lolz" She was sick for at least 2 days.
Hahah, they are becoming more and more like plants. Now they dont even have sex!
Fine by me. I've seen a grand total of one healthy looking vegan, and I think that was only because her family had a long Texan history of consuming beef, so that magically carried over into her genes.

There are plenty of meat eaters who are most probably hornier on average, and their carnivorous diets undoubtedly result in a greater enthusiasm for cawk. So we're not losing out.
Annie Potts, the Ghostbusters receptionist?!

Maybe vegans should have abdominal surgery and add a couple of extra stomach chambers and a few exra feet of colon if they're going to be really silly about it. I can see the slogans now - "Real Men Ruminate!" or "Vegans do it with the LARGE intestine".
Wouldn't touch their scrawny asses anyway.
Good. Less opportunity to make more little vegans.
Jebus, they're made of meat! They should stop living!
If they weren't crazy enough before, they are now.
The plants they eat get nutrients in the soil from decayed animal matter too.
****ing retards. Basic scientific ingorance like this pisses me off.
vegans girl will love the weiner I got for them,in my pants!

*ba dum dum dish*
Isn't more a case of volunteer natural selection :P
vegans removing themselves from the gene pool so the meat eaters can rule supreme!

Damnit, you beat me to it... I just thought of that joke.

Shouldn't they be trying to breed like extremely scrawny rabbits?
Great - more people who won't have sex with me. :p
Vegans will soon start self pollinating.
dont worry guys, now they will all die out. like the dinosoars, or the great race of michael jacksonites.
Hmm, personally i reckon being a vegan must suck. Eating vegetables all day would suck. Can't beat a good bit of steak.
Damn straight. You haven't lived until you've taken a bite out of some good 'ol man meat.
You can only eat vegetables, and you can only bang other skinny vegans. So far, they've got nothing going for them, afaik.
You can only eat vegetables, and you can only bang other skinny vegans. So far, they've got nothing going for them, afaik.

They have their moral fibre.

I'd like to see them try to pull these diets 100 years & more ago. Meat is what got ppl thru hard winters.

They would really hate me coz I prefer my steak bloody & NOT cooked. My X-ol'man would tell me to stop eating the steaks or else there wouldn't be enough left to BBQ.
Okay that is just annoying. I must refrain from more writing as I might get so pissed off that I'll start swearing.

wait, if people are dead animal carcasses, and vegans are dead plants, that must mean I am dead humans.