Vegas Video problem.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Me and a friend are making a video but we ran into a problem that it seems many people are having.

I used xvid codec to compile my clips but when my friend trys to load them in Vegas Video he only gets sound (some people get a green screen with sound some a black screen) My friend it seems it getting a plain black screen. Does anyone know of a fix? I also heard theres the same problem with Adobe Premiere.

thx for the help.
Devvo said:
erm, do they have xvid themselves? :|

I dont get what your asking. Is xvid the only codec i have?
You really should only use Xvid when saving the end product. I wouldn't use it on files you want to edit.
With that said, the only suggestion I can give is to double check the Xvid codec is installed on that machine. It very well could be that your editing program just doesn't like the compressed formats or odd codecs like divx/xvid etc.