Vehicle: Exotic Supercar -=Design=-

Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
(work in progress)


Click here for Super-High-Resolution


Click here for Super-High-Resolution

The Gryphon Enigma II is my latest supercar in a series of supercars (which according to the above pictures it appears to have mysteriously acquired hover technology). Feel free to check out my series at The concept is currently at 90% completion, and will receive numerous updates. The exterior is nearly complete, and should only require addition of small details and a few simple corrections of miss-matched surfaces. I haven’t really started the interior yet, but that is next on my to-do list (among a bunch of other items).

Side Note: I made a simple video of my predator concept and just released it. It is 11 MB, and is available at…\Movies\Predator2.avi
awsome model, but...

It needs

Reverse lights
turn signals
and i dont see an exhaust

About missing stuff : As I said at the very top of my post it is a work in progress (which means incomplete). This model actually wont have visual exhaust pipes for aesthetic reasons. They'll be hidden behind the vents.

A couple more renders (black):


<Wipes mouth>

Hey, all you car company guys! Over here!

<Goes back to drooling>

Are you just doing these for a car company, or will they all be for your mod?
HO, HO, HO, Holy Christmas!!!

I hope Mrs. Clause doesn't mind me taking that sexy beast home.
can you give use some flat shaded renders? because it will never look like those renders in-game.... and witha flat shading it'd be easier to crit the actualy model
I'm doing these as designs, then I'm also making them all for my second HL2 MOD (first one is Phantom-Ops).

No, this model is not prepped for in-game use. I'll need to convert NURBS format, but I have numerous impressive ways to minimize polys in the conversion process.

Santa. :) Well, maybe you can get me some investors for Christmas, and that may be possible.

It'll be beautiful in game, and it won't look flat-shaded. I'm a graphics artist, coder, mathematician & more. I know how to get the results I want for a final product.
I've got more tricks up my sleeve than you may imagine.
Set as background.

VERY NICE WORK. That black car just look so cool! Good job. Unfortunately the thing looks as if the owner would have to make an insurance claim every time he came across a speed bump - it looks a bit close to the ground, but other wise fantastic work.
Sorry, no new pictures. Thanks for the replies people. Hopefully I'll be able to have some actual updates soon.
Thanks! I also updated a few other materials like removed the refraction from the headlight glass. That just looked wierd.
Thanks :)

I really do appreciate these replies. It keeps me motivated to do more!
The McLaren F1 is also a very hot car, but the two cars aren't really that simmilar IMO. If I were phantom, I'd take that as a compliment being compared to the hotest car in the world.

Here's the most similar picture I could find.
Holy crap! I wish I could model like that. How long did this take you?
Well, the modeling itself is not the difficult part. I've rebuilt every single part of the car at least twice now, and I'm currently workign on my ?? 7th ??? replacment of the entire nose of the car. I tweak to perfection, and redo it if it aint perfect.
Originally posted by Santa
The McLaren F1 is also a very hot car, but the two cars aren't really that simmilar IMO. If I were phantom, I'd take that as a compliment being compared to the hotest car in the world.

Here's the most similar picture I could find.

that car is overrated.....and ugly.
its not that ugly but there are loads of nicer cars ie. DB7 and jaguar XJ220