Vehicles are the deadliest killers


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
even when they aren't running.

I'm constantly getting crushed/clipped/smashed whenever I jump out of a vehicle, even if it's only moving slightly. I swear to god, I'm never ever driving one of those boats again. I beach them, get out, and end up on the wrong side, so it slides ever so gently near me and crushes me to death, unrevivable.

Did I mention that APCs hate me? I don't think I've ever gotten out of one alive unless it's completely stopped. The slightest touch and 4 tons of steel clip off my face off and shred me to bits.

Airplanes hate me too. Jumping out of them gets me killed 50% of the time. I forgot, but aren't "EJECT" functions supposed to send the player above the aircraft, whence the parachute is available, and out of harm?

Buggies are fine, unless a friendly driver doesn't look behind him when he's backing up, squash, TK, reluctant forgive.

It should be set up so the jump out locations are behind the vehicle itself, or shot out above if its a jet.
Pesmerga said:
even when they aren't running.

I'm constantly getting crushed/clipped/smashed whenever I jump out of a vehicle, even if it's only moving slightly. I swear the god, I'm never ever driving one of those boats again. I beach them, get out, and end up on the wrong side, so it slides ever so gently near me and crushes me to death, unrevivable.

Did I mention that APCs hate me? I don't think I've ever gotten out of one alive unless it's completely stopped. The slightest touch and 4 tons of steel clip off my face off and shred me to bits.

Airplanes hate me too. Jumping out of them gets me killed 50% of the time. I forgot, but aren't "EJECT" functions supposed to send the player above the aircraft, whence the parachute is available, and out of harm?

Buggies are fine, unless a friendly driver doesn't look behind him when he's backing up, squash, TK, reluctant forgive.

It should be set up so the jump out locations are behind the vehicle itself, or shot out above if its a jet.
Yeah, this is one of the few things that bugs me about the game. There needs to be a short period of 'vehicle invulnerability' that you get whenever you exit something, so that it can't damage you. Hopefully it will be patched.
i agree. just today i was using the boat and it killed me 3 times in a row. i didnt notice it before because i usually dont drive it when im with my squad, but today i was playing by myself.
I believe they seriously screwed up something infantry <-> vehicle-wise... They even said that wing-walking would be possible with a little effort. I don't see how as I'm unable to even stand on a vehicle that slides, without getting killed.

Being used to Desert Combat I couldn't be anymore happy when I saw the Blackhawk the first time, and litterally tried to hop in there. Not only can I not hop in there, but coupled with the fact that you can't stand on a moving vehicle really depressed me.
Yeah, I loved hanging on for dear life on a plane. Reminds me of a time when I landed my jet on one of those huge, huge planes that like 10 people load up in and shoot from and stuff and blew it up. I jumped into a boat and when that guy took off my spine right off imploded sending shards of bone into my brain causing my organs to pretty much explode and kill me.
You can't even crowd up a jeep or tank with people on top. As soon as it moves... splat. :(
Vehicle interaction _is_ pretty stupid, but they work so well when used I can't really complain. They should have some "sticky" for an easier time standing, or at least proning on them. About the blackhawk, I'm not too bothered by the fact you can't move around in it, although I'd appreciate a 360 freedom of view.
I've never been crushed from getting out of my vehicle while it's moving. Maybe I have the magic touch.
tell me about it, i got crushed by a moving supply box (it was on a hill)
I do it all the time with boats.

A bit offtopic - But one thing I reckon they should've done is put more positions on most vehicles. The buggy for example should have space for 6, two hanging off the side and one sitting on the back - that way a full squad can get on a single vehicle. It's annoying when a helicopter and buggy drive off leaving you to slog it on foot. Better yet, these positions could be for squad members only - damn those blues!
when ranking comes around thats going to have a lot of problems, because its really easy to accidently tk with a vehicle especially if your teammates are smacktards who like to jump in from of planes when you take them instead of them
JiMmEh said:
I do it all the time with boats.

A bit offtopic - But one thing I reckon they should've done is put more positions on most vehicles. The buggy for example should have space for 6, two hanging off the side and one sitting on the back - that way a full squad can get on a single vehicle. It's annoying when a helicopter and buggy drive off leaving you to slog it on foot. Better yet, these positions could be for squad members only - damn those blues!

I'm pretty sure Humvees will accomodate 6 people...or 4...dunno, check the 16 size map in single player.
Pesmerga said:
I'm pretty sure Humvees will accomodate 6 people...or 4...dunno, check the 16 size map in single player.
Humvees do 4. They actually are pretty cramped. Even in a civvy Hummer 1, the seats are way cramped, you can tell it wasn't made for super fun easydriving :p.

Also the Desert Patrol Vehicles can only take 3 because that's how it is in real life (that's an actual military buggy, but it's more used by special forces :d. Every seen "In The Army Now" with Pauly Shore they go riding in some)
i second everything in this thread plus the fact that the two favs are not balanced the mec fav's coaxial mg has a 360 degree freedom of motion while the usmc one is restricted.
i think the thing that really sucks is when ur walking around ...u see a tank that is just about to turn to you o you try and jump on top of it but then you get killed.
mindless_moder said:
i second everything in this thread plus the fact that the two favs are not balanced the mec fav's coaxial mg has a 360 degree freedom of motion while the usmc one is restricted.
i think the thing that really sucks is when ur walking around ...u see a tank that is just about to turn to you o you try and jump on top of it but then you get killed.
That happens to me a lot...
I think vehicle capacity is just fine. They should add a certain speed at which a moving vehicle/object will kill/hurt/just move you. I can understand hoping out of an APC when it is going max speed and being clipped by the side, that would tear your head off in RL, but when a supply box is sliding down the hill and touches you and you die, that is just dumb. I do however like to drop supplies on enemy snipers to kill them, bet they never expected that. hehe
bryanf445 said:
tell me about it, i got crushed by a moving supply box (it was on a hill)
You think thats bad? I radioed for an ammo box and it landed on my head.
operative x said:
You think thats bad? I radioed for an ammo box and it landed on my head.

wow haha thats funny stuff right there, but i guess stuff like that will happen all the time
Pressure said:
I've never been crushed from getting out of my vehicle while it's moving. Maybe I have the magic touch.

Me neither but that's because I always blow up with the vehicle in a matter of seconds.
bryanf445 said:
wow haha thats funny stuff right there, but i guess stuff like that will happen all the time
I was abit confused when it happend, i called out on the radio "I'm Bingo on ammo!", and saw a shadow above my head, then i looked up and saw a box like object get bigger and bigger, i couldn't figure out what it was and then it hit me.
hehe yesterday I got out of a heli ray_man was flying and he turned it on the ground to set off and his rear rotor blades cut right through me :P
Never happened to me. Except when I eject out a heli. (Is that actually possible without dying?)
SimonomiS said:
Never happened to me. Except when I eject out a heli. (Is that actually possible without dying?)
This is why heli pilots don't eject in real life :d. lol.