
Dec 12, 2004
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So what do people reckon? Do we wanna see vehicles like the buggy in Aftermath?

I personally don't want to, I didn't dislike them in HL2 but I prefer to be on foot and fighting! I think the vehicle sections are probably what made HL2 feel so short too. So?
I wanna drive an APC, or at least rescue the stolen buggy.

The driving parts in HL2 were good fun, mostly because of all the optional house battles along the way.
Yeah, after the lighthouse fight the buggy is carried away by a dropship.
I thought that was a neat touch too :D

I enjoyed the vehicular sessions in their entirity- unlike many who felt they were overlong, I just revelled in the sheer size of the maps (although many were over very quickly, it's true).

I'd love to see the APCs playing a more prominent role- it's why they feature so heavily in my fanboy literature. They just look so badass!
I forgot about that..

I guess I wouldn't mind driving the buggy again, but I don't think they'd really be able to work it in there. and i think it'd make it too short..
Myself, I'd like to try out some new vehicles. Rescuing the buggy would be cool, but driving a combine APC and/or helicopter would own
I personally liked the airboat, but found the buggy a little too hard to drive...
I'd like to see other vehicles too, I thought they were a really good diverse element to contrast to constant footwork.
I thought the airboat was a pain to aim and drive...

I just feel like an area like 'traptown' would've been a much better area than having the vehicle areas as long as they were. it certainly would've make the game longer.
Mechagodzilla said:
Yeah, after the lighthouse fight the buggy is carried away by a dropship.

Maybe the combine have upgraded the buggy.
Didnt the buggy have like this red body in the beta versions? How come they got rid of it? Well, I kinda know why... but I still think it was cool looking...

And flying combine stuff would be cool, but there are already mods for that....

What I want?... What I want is what you couldnt drive in HL1... a tank hehe... or a real APC... the army kind... those are awsome...

But what Im guessing they will do is... You dont actually get to drive the vehicles in the game, but rather, ride them... For example... you and Alyx capture a combine buggy(the amoured that was used to raid the appartments) and Alyx would drive and you would get in the gunners position and shoot off any enemys nearby....
But as mentioned in another thread... Gordan isnt Neo, he cant just learn how to fly a plane/helicopter the moment he gets in... but driving a tank is rather easy...
Gordon got a little tank practice in HL1 too, for the gun at least.
I think it would be interesting if we got to see a tank repaired from the seven hour war, then got to use it!
How about less vehicles. I think the emphasis on vehicles was a bit on the high side even in HL2. Lets not forget that the only vehicle in half-life was 2 different trains, of which you could only control the speed. More levels on foot i say!
I reckon u should get a motor bike that be good. :afro: :naughty:
Or you could get something else, i reckon it be good riding a camel or something but that would probably be to complicated and stuff up the game.
Need more weapons that pin people to walls etc. We need some kungfoo and stuff.
The tunnel was good.
The tunnel was great.
Redeemed the entire car portion, says I.
I want to ride a spaceship, maybe on a mission to sabotage something...
We should retrive the buggy from the citadel, fully pimped up by the combine, and also get to run some combine over with an APC in the streets while escaping city 17. :cool:
I bet youll find your buggy again - either by the dropships crashsite in city 17 or inside the citidel. Then youll race your way out of the citidel and break through the exterior and land on the streets of city 17.