Verizon fails at math


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

Even most of the Brits on this site who are unfamiliar with American currency should understand that $0.002 does not equal 0.002 cents.

What gets me the most is that two people didn't know the difference in this phone call (5 actually, if you go to the blog this was posted on.)


A link to the uncut 23 minute phone call from customer support hell.
Deja vu.

You know what I want to hear? Audio recordings of innocent people trying to cancel their AOL accounts. Those are hilarious.
Oh my god, I had to do that shit too to cancel my old AOL acct. Took atleast 20 minutes with hold time, getting through to a real person, etc. Such a hassle, though I didn't get as desperate a customer service rep as that fellow.
I like how people link a thread where I link a post of the same thing

Even most of the Brits on this site who are unfamiliar with American currency should understand that $0.002 does not equal 0.002 cents.

NO WAI!!! They've both got .002 in it, its so the same thing!!! Us britlanders can do maths us!

No, seriously, verizon need to start employing people who have been to school
NO WAI!!! They've both got .002 in it, its so the same thing!!! Us britlanders can do maths us!

No, seriously, verizon need to start employing people who have been to school

Who says you need to go to school to know that?

Dan I want to call Verizon. Do you know their number?
Thats true. I still remember the dad my dad sat me on his knee and said "Son, $0.002 is not the same as 0.002 cents"
I loved the AOL cancellation. My Dad actually tried to cancel it AWHILE ago, after I realized that 'AOL sucks to play starcraft on' And they kept charging us, even though we had changed to Earthlink. It was gay.