Very Basic Noob Questions about some mods, fan art and DOD game



New to HL/CS/HL2. Purchased the DL a few days after Christmas. Started HL2. Got into the story. Stopped HL2. Finished HL1. Finished HL2. Now doing it on hard.

Don't know how to program at all, but I'm curious about some things that seem to bring enjoyment and replay value to the game.

1. Fan Art. What is a good site for pointers on how (simple basic stuff) to pull models out of the game and make something like a wallpaper? Is additional software required (other than something like Photoshop)?

2. Mods. It seems you can get modifications to HL2 DM and CS/S and play on them online. Now in UT3K if a guy has mods, the server has you DL them.

How does this process work for HL2? Or are mods more for lan parties, trusted buddy networks, etc?

3. DOD Source is "purchased" I suppose. It's a white/selectable game in my Steam menu, under "Coming Soon." Where is a good refrence to read up on that game?

4. Lastly, is the CS world full of pros who can insta frag you at will or is there still room for new people out there?


2. All mods need to be downloaded and installed first before joining a server

3. DOD:S is in very early stages of development and little is known about it. However you should be able to find some information at the forums at

4. There's still plenty of newbs joining CS - even more so after Christmas and stuff so certainly :)

Hope that helps :E
2. Mods. It seems you can get modifications to HL2 DM and CS/S and play on them online. Now in UT3K if a guy has mods, the server has you DL them.

Much of the time, you can DL maps from the server itself. Of course, looking around the forums is probably also a good idea.

4. Lastly, is the CS world full of pros who can insta frag you at will or is there still room for new people out there?

Don't worry, while there are plenty of ub3rl33t super-players out there, you won't have to wait long before you encounter those new to the game, as well as a few who seem to have difficulty with the concept of simultaneous keyboard and mouse control. After a little practice, you'll have a blast. Until you get bored of it, of course.
CAUT10N said:
4. Lastly, is the CS world full of pros who can insta frag you at will or is there still room for new people out there?



this probably the toughest question to answer because i can tell u there are plenty noob friendly servers out there but theres also alot good players out there too..

i guess it all depends what servers u play on really.
About new players. My friend has very little quake 3 experience and likes to play Halflife 2 single. But when he got on Counterstrike at my house he was so frustrated (he doesn't like to lose) that he said he would never play it again. Basically people were owning him. Counterstrike is a game of precision.

But also we went to go play Halflife Deathmatch and he was getting owned again.

Thing is there are tons of people like me who have been playing first person shooters for some 10+ years. I have been playing since Doom 2 and Duke Nukem dialing my friends on a 56k modem because cable modems didn't even exist back then.

So the experience skill level is getting really high. But if you're smart and play a while you should be at least a moderate player.
but the irony is it's his frustration that allows peeples to owns him! you simply don't learn when you're angry. although it is frustrating when your friends won't even let you live long enough that you think you're learning anything; i used to get really pissed at my friend's teaching methods at mariokart on the snes, he just wouldn't let up, but in the end he did me a favour cos i is now MEAN!

i got him back by thrashing him at speedball2 and the twat stayed up all night learning the game - he can't stand to lose either, but he's very cold and calculating and ultimately ends up very good at anything he sets his mind to.

same thing happened with goldeneye, different friend. you're shouting at them to let you at least be able to find your way about the level, but in the long run i think they're diong you a favour

i only wish i had some friends that were worse than me at something :(