Very Fun & Free MMORPG


Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
I got a minor case of heatstroke today while doing a bunch of yard work at a couple houses my inlaws own. I went full tilt for over 6 hours & I am now paying the price. Didn't realize it was going to get as hot today as it did.

Anyways, so now it's 2:45am and I can't sleep because I feel like c.r.a.p.

While browsing online through various sites, my wanderings brought me to some obscure website all in Korean. I get a pop-up asking me to insert my WinXP CD so the language pack can be installed. Normally I just close out that pop-up screen and close out the website. Well before I could do this, my eye caught the top part of a screenshot. So I scroll down and see this cool pic of this big warrior type guy attacking some animal looking creature. Curious, I insert my WinXP CD and let the language pack install.

After clicking on the screenshot, I get directed to a site talking about a free MMORPG called "Xiah" It's an Asian themed RPG. The more I read, the more the game interested me. so I downloaded the client, (550MB) created an account and headed ingame.

This game is amazing. Fantastic graphics and audio when you realize it's a free game & only 550MB. Highly addicting as well I found out. It's in full 3D with a huge skill tree. Quite frankly, I am amazed at what you get, for it being free. If you like Guild Wars or games of that nature, you'll like "Xiah." It has almost everything. You can go solo or join/create a guild. If you are in a guild, you can then go and attack other guilds. Each of the many different Martial Arts attacks have cool particle effects as do the many different type of weapons. Kinda cool having a huge axe dripping fire. Whatever you kill or help kill, drops loot which like in Guild Wars can only be picked up by the player and so some loser can't steal your hard earned loot.

I highly advise everyone here that likes RPG's, to give this game a try.

A war has been raging for hundreds of years between political factions in the land.

Then, a warrior named DoChun-Poung battled the Evil Blood Emperor
in an attempt to bring peace to the land.
DoChun-Poung was victorious and in order to make sure that
the oppressive reign of the Evil Blood Emperor would not return;
he cut the Evil Blood Emperor into 4 pieces.

Many decades passed...

Sa-Do, the son of the Blood Evil Emperor, was determined
to bring back his father from the dead in order to re-establish
his reign of terror. Sa-Do journeyed throughout the land in
order to locate and collect the 4 pieces from his father?s corpse.
After the reunification of the 4 pieces was complete signs
that were foretold occurred. The black star appeared
in the sky to signal the beginning of the new reign of terror.
One of the suns turned black while the other one turned red.
Shortly thereafter, black clouds covered the sky and blotted out the daylight.

After many years...

Most of the living creatures in the land became extinct due to the destruction of the natural resources needed to sustain their lives. The few species that did survive turned into human/monster-like creatures. They called themselves the "Evil Monster". One of the monsters, Lak-Sa, unified all monsters in order to strengthen them against any possible survivors that might try to challenge his group.

Lak-Sa became the strongest being in the world. He had the strength both human and monster. Although he unified the monsters some years ago, he now realized that he has to create a group of followers that would stop them from ruling the land. Due to his superior strength and skill; Lak-Sa defeated one martial arts master after another. Finally, he made a pact with the martial arts masters that he had defeated, but not destroyed to create another group of followers and increased his power to use against the monsters.

Official Website & Gallery:

You can find me ingame under the name "Sir Edwards." I play on the Phoenix Server.


I'll just like to say there's a million and one of these bloody things all over the net, but if you like to play then, good for you and their wallets. :D
I'll just like to say there's a million and one of these bloody things all over the net, but if you like to play then, good for you and their wallets. :D

"Xiah" is free to download & free to play.

I'll NEVER Pay-to-Play. Thats why I don't play WOW.

Guild Fight Manager - He manages Guild Fights.
Holy shit.

Eh, I have some bandwidth that needs chewing up, might give it a look.
Which free MMORPG is the most fun?

I play urbandead. I only get human skills. One more and I have them all
After reading a few reviews, I downloaded & installed "Heroes Online"

The graphics are a lot better looking than Xiahs are and it's IMHO, a lot more fun. There also seems to be more people playing it. I have only played about an hour, but I already like it much more. Also free to download & play.

Official Website:


Badass for about half an hour. :|

Gets repetitive really fast, but that's a really fun 30 minutes, or 25 really... because in those last 5 minutes you realize that you can't really do much besides level up and get supposedly better weapons/clothing.