VERY poor CPU scores (3dmark03)


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
I have an AMD 64 2800 processor, running at 1.9 Ghz, and I'm getting horrible 3dmark 03 scores.
My graphics card (Geforce 6800, unlocked 16 pipes), gets 9500 on the test.
My CPU, on the other hand, gets an abysmal 432 points.
In "The Troll's Lair" I'm lucky to get more than 10 FPS. Any scene where the "trolls" are visible, I get around 1 FPS. This can't be right.
I've disabled "Cool 'n Quiet", as I've heard that it can slow down the PC, but it didn't help anything.
I have a Chaintech VNF3-250 motherboard, latest BIOS and chipset drivers installed. 1 GB of DDR RAM, Windows XP (SP 2).

If any of you can help, I'll appreciate it forever.

Thanks all.

By the way, at the normal speed of 1.8 Ghz, I'm getting a score of around 400, so it's not the overclock.
It sounds right to me, 3d mark 03 cpu tests are 32bit, so your card would perform just better than an athlon 2800+ xp. Although im not 100% sure.
Can't edit anymore, so I'm double posting.
With the 7/29 BIOS, my CPU score jumped to 613, and my 3dmark 03 score jumped to 10k.
Thanks alot for the help.
Now to wait for my new cooling supplies so I can overclock a bit more, heh.
No problem, coincidentally I have the same board and processor. Don't underestimate the stock cooler though. I hit 2.2 EASILY with temps of 35C idle and 42 C load. Stock speeds are 30-32 idle and 38 load. Could go higher but honestly I don't need the extra speed, yet... I'm a gamer not a benchmarker. :)
Well, I don't have the stock cooler, I have an Arctic Cooling Silencer 64. I ordered the processor and fan seperately.

I can't get this thing past 1.942 ghz without windows crashing on boot.

Right now my case ventilation sucks, I really have no cooling system set up.