Very serious error


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
i recently purchased a new MOBO and a 2.0ghz CPU....I put em in fine, the comp booted up fine.

Now to install windows, I have 2hd's and both errors when installing.This happens with xp and ME.
Errors such as "this file maybe corrupt" etc...

Any ideas? know the cables that come from the power button "Jumpers?",well ive got a few of em left over,could that be the problem ?

Please!,I cant even install windows without errors!
Originally posted by simmo
i recently purchased a new MOBO and a 2.0ghz CPU....I put em in fine, the comp booted up fine.

Now to install windows, I have 2hd's and both errors when installing.This happens with xp and ME.
Errors such as "this file maybe corrupt" etc...

Any ideas?

where exactly do you get that ?
Have you formatted them to FAT32 or NTFS? You didnt mention it :)
Might be RAM or HD problems, probably RAM since you shouldnt have touched the HD when installing new mobo and cpu..
Try to re-seat the RAM, try different slots, try once at the time if you have more then 1 RAM module

also, a moderator bumping threads? Doesn't look too good..
Originally posted by endorphin
also, a moderator bumping threads? Doesn't look too good..
I asked a question, I didnt bump the thread. Simmo wants help, so he obviously have the right to bump it.

Anyway, there can be some problem with modern computers shifting power scheme... I dont know how to describe it, cause I dont understand it. But shifting it will render the harddrive unreadable, shifting back will still make it unreadable, unless its all reformated. APIC or or ACPI or something its called. I know I had problems with it and the drive becoming corrupt, but it was a long time ago, so I dont remember...
ah well...thxs for the help ways. Oh endorphin, I needed to because it was urgent. If it offended you,I am sorry ;(
its your CD...

i get that problem with windows xp...

try borrowing a friends CD... should then work ok...

or if you can Burn another copy of the CD... because backups are legal as long as you have the original copy so that if you disk is damaged your not screwed...


(burning a backup of my windows xp disk enabled it to install)
my windows XP cd is also damaged :\ , but i have the entire CD on my other harddrive. I first boot with the xp CD and then it copys files and reboots , when it reboots after copying files i remove the CD and when it starts it asks for the files , so i point it to my harddrive and it installs from there.
I tried Windows mE as well....and that gave me errors to;(
It didn't offend me, just that in any other forum (maybe this one as well) a normal user that did that would be banned.
Plus, I doubt you want ppl bumping their threads to madness.

Anyways, I'd still go with the RAMs being the problem..
Perhaps wierdo IDE cables but I doubt it..
Check your ram. I have three system here at work that does the same thing. I replaced the ram and that fixed them. Im not syaing that your problem is the same as the ones I fixed but it sounds like it.
thxs! guys! your no.1!! :thumbs:

As you can see it was my ram ;( the stick of 256!!!! :flame:

I really hope I can get some more...since i'm running a 2.0ghz with 64mb ram :laugh:
well....ive been sorting this comp out for 12 hours now...yes 12 hours, found out the ram wasnt letting me install windows, now this!

:laugh: i'm so p****d off at the moment its funny...

I installed XP fine...but when it comes up to the desktop its on the lowest reso and lowest colours!!!.

So i figured it hasnt detected my monitor or i goto install my monitor...guess! what!?, i cant even add one because its been taken over by "VGA SAVE" WTF?!, anyway,I try to install the graphics driver...:laugh: it says it needs a monitor with a standard VGA thingy:laugh: so I cant even add that....

Anyone with a "Asrock K7VT2"?, did you have trouble with it ?, I bet you did :D