Hello and thanks 2 read this annoying stuff So I'll be fast.
I followed several tutorials and did everything that was needed ( size restrictions for sprays' files and stuff) but when Im in the option menu and that I want to select my custom graffiti file I've got an error msg "Steam is unable to write the graffiti file. Current user may not have the authorisation"...
I've really got no clue of what's wrong.
So if anybody can help plz e-mail me at [email protected] or answer here thx!!!!!!!!
I followed several tutorials and did everything that was needed ( size restrictions for sprays' files and stuff) but when Im in the option menu and that I want to select my custom graffiti file I've got an error msg "Steam is unable to write the graffiti file. Current user may not have the authorisation"...
I've really got no clue of what's wrong.
So if anybody can help plz e-mail me at [email protected] or answer here thx!!!!!!!!