Vest to simulate being shot in FPS games


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
From Scientific American

...When a new breed of video game technology hits the market next month, the machines will have their day as their flesh and blood opponents gain the ability to feel the impact of bullets, explosions and other blows by donning a specially designed vest rigged with pneumatic actuators and microcompressors.

he 3rdSpace Vest developed by Redmond, Wash.?based TN Games looks like the bulletproof flak jackets worn by police officers. Rather than block bullets, however, the vest is designed to simulate the feeling of being shot. Each features eight impact points?four in the front and four in the back?that use a system of pneumatic actuators and microcompressors to deliver a blow of 30 pounds per square inch, or psi (2.1 kilograms per square centimeter).

The force of the sensors embedded in the vests "is enough to make a game fun and interesting, but it's not going to hurt people," says Mark Ombrellaro, a vascular surgeon who formed TN Games and its parent company, TouchNetworks, Inc.

The vest is set to debut on November 21 with TN Games's futuristic 3rd Space Incursion game and the release of Activision's World War II era?based Call of Duty 2. TN Games has also developed software patches for gamers to download that will enable versions of Id Software, Inc.'s Quake and Doom games to work with the vest.


There's already a thread, noob.
/looks for it
Whenever I think of virtual reality stuff I think 'It'd all be better if you could feel everything, like being shot and stuff'. Finally happened.

Shit yes.
How much would you give? I might $50 depending on compatibility with my games...although it'd probably cost a ****load more.
The next thing you know, stupid people won't only be labeling games as teaching kids to kill, but also having accessory technology that allows them to feel pain in order to cope better with surviving their crime sprees.

"If Billy knows what it feels like to be shot or hit, he's going to be a more unstoppable killing machine!"

Despite the fact that these don't actually replicate the pain and trauma experienced.
I wonder how long it'll be before there are consumer products that can tap into the nervous system directly to simulate physical stimulus. Or gather input, for that matter, which they can already do on a basic level.

tl;dr: The Matrix
This would be kind of cool if it was on an arcade game with a light gun type setup. I really can't imagine just sitting down to play on a keyboard or controller with that on...

Besides, what about simulating headshots? :D
Uhh, haven't they done something like this before? And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. A vest with a built in vibrator? Realistic. Just the thing gamers need that sits and eats all day.
Junk food + Mountain Dew + Vibration = Explosive Noxious Gases. Nuff said.:thumbs: (P.S. At least it looks cooler than the first vibrating vests.)
Sucks that there's only 4 specific points on the front and back, would get kinda annoying being hit in the same places over and over, no?
Uhh, haven't they done something like this before? And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. A vest with a built in vibrator? Realistic. Just the thing gamers need that sits and eats all day.
Junk food + Mountain Dew + Vibration = Explosive Noxious Gases. Nuff said.:thumbs: (P.S. At least it looks cooler than the first vibrating vests.)

It doesn't vibrate, it has pneumatic compressors that compress the fabric around the area, creating a sharp pressure sensation.