Video game violence leads to drug/alcohol acceptance


May 5, 2004
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huge leap of logic here:

Reuters said:
After playing a violent video game, young men are more likely to think it's OK to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol, raising the possibility that exposure to violent media could negatively affect health-related behavior.

Parents have been told the message that violent video games and violent media in general can influence the likelihood that their kids will be aggressive," Dr. Sonya S. Brady, now at the University of California, San Francisco, told Reuters Health. "What this study suggests is that they might increase any type of risk-taking behavior.

I think they were smoking some wacky-tobaccy when they jumped to this conclusion:

Reuters said:
Regardless of whether they grew up in a violent environment, the researchers found, young men who had played the violent game were less cooperative and more competitive in completing an assigned task with another person, compared to those who played the Simpsons game. They were also more likely to have permissive attitudes toward alcohol and marijuana use.

so according to them



leads to this


if they play this


because we all know kids/teenagers are

So what? If It was researched in a scientific manner it might be true.
Though luck for us drug smoking hippy players.
if anything the opposite is true - kids who play computer games are not the ones passed out drunk in a field, difficult to do both at the same time :LOL:
where's the link?
Yeah, I read this over at GameSpot. Completely ludicrous. If anything, violent videogames lead away from drug/alcohol acceptance.
The problem is that scientists generally use linear graphs for conducting surveys of a minority of people from a local area.

A linear graph, as many mathematicians, engineers and scientists know, is plotting a straight line of best fit.

The problem with generating studies of a local area is that citizens will be subjected to cultural and domestic problems similar to one another. This creates assumptions that a majority of kids play violent videogames, so this majority must be violent or abusive according to the linear survey.

They don't conduct surveys assuming that abuse and neglect from family members, psychological problems as well as domino effects could just as well have the same effects, as well as outside intervention from state official could have indirect consequences to the runaway problem of drug abuse.

I seem to recount the 1960's having a drug-fest, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a gaming phenomena
what's utterly disturbing is that the study makes absolutely NO SENSE
Playing the violent game boosted young men's blood pressures
well duh, you can compare counterstrike and the sims on the same reasoning
Regardless of whether they grew up in a violent environment, the researchers found, young men who had played the violent game were less cooperative and more competitive in completing an assigned task with another person, compared to those who played the Simpsons game. They were also more likely to have permissive attitudes toward alcohol and marijuana use.
So playing the game in the study actually made people change their opinions and personalities completely? Right....
There's nothing i love to do more after a quick round of GTA than to smoke an O, take some everclear shots, then drive around shooting cops; i don't know about you wierdos though.
I've played everything from Doom to Half-Life, GTA to GTA: SA and I've still haven't had illegal drugs. Neither have I had overdoses or conducted self harm, and I am not keen on the taste of Ale or Bitter, but don't mind Vodka or Cider.

Thats my statement from the gaming community and underminds their study, especially considering I played Duke Nukem 3D at the tender age of 7
PA today points out a really good fact about this study: it doesn't say that games lead to kids doing drugs. They were just less abhorred by the idea of there BEING drugs. Thats more than a little stupid.
Sorry, I was just snorting some cocaine after playing HL2.

What's the topic of conversation about now?
It's not the games, it's how your brought up. Most parents in America today really don't care what their children do anymore, which is the real problem.
But if you read the entire article at Gamespot, you'll find something far worse! Apparently these violent videogames can lead to UNPROTECTED PREMARITAL SEX!

DeusExMachina said:
If violent games led to unprotected premarital sex, I'd play more :naughty:
Oh man, call george bush or something. You gotta win some kind of prize for that:LOL:
Loc-Dog said:
Oh man, call george bush or something. You gotta win some kind of prize for that:LOL:

hehe yes, here's his prize right here

what these ppl dont realise is that competitiveness and a like for violence is human nature, i'd be more concerned about the overly "nice" people not displaying any sign of competitiveness at all. they are probably up to something.

however, just because you like violence doesn't mean you'll go out there and shoot everyone you see. they should be checking what people lack a grip on reality rather than what people get turned on by guns.
I'm so sick of these studies that put 2 and 2 together for idiots who can't figure it out on their own.

Of course exposure to drugs makes them less of a shock factor, the only thing they may know about drugs as children are that mommy said drugs kill and stay away from them.

It's not video games, it's any exposure to talk or use of drugs whether it be on daytime TV, PG-13 and R-rated movies, Games, kids at school, magazines, the internet, friends, .. it could be anyone, even the kids cousin or older brother could change or lighten a kids attitude towards drug use.

If a parent doesn't know this already then they aren't fit to be a parent. The stupidest study ever.
It needs to also be pointed out that this study was conducted with about 120 18-21 year old undergraduates. Hold on, college students are accepting of drugs and alcohol?! What madness!
I guess that might be true for me, I don't care if my friends smoke pot, but if they drink or smoke cigs I tell them it's wrong and all, but I could care less about pot tbh (except those assholes that feel like they are cooler for smoking it)
Direwolf said:
It needs to also be pointed out that this study was conducted with about 120 18-21 year old undergraduates. Hold on, college students are accepting of drugs and alcohol?! What madness!
Really? In the photograph it shows a child that looks to be about 9.
i'm curious as to when people will catch on that it's not the violence or gore that appeal to human nature, it's the competition, inherent strategy/tactics/reflexes, etc.