Video Games Live!


Aug 18, 2004
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Going to Video Games Live! in just about an hour in Vienna, Virginia at Wolf Trap. Anyone ever been to any of the tour dates? Heard a lot of cool things about the show, and I'll be sitting in a box seat.

For those of you who hasn't heard of it:

Will be seeing Songs/Excerpts from:
Classic Arcade
Metal Gear Solid
God of War
Space Invaders
Civilization IV
Final Fantasy Piano Solo
Kingdom Hearts
Mario Piano Solo
Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger
Guitar Hero “Sweet Emotion”
Atlas from Halo 3
Halo Suite & Halo 3
One Winged Angel
Castlevania Rock

Looking forward to it, there's also festivities before the show with costume contests and such. The National Symphony Orchestra will be performing.
I thought they were doing Starcraft 2?

Must have been a rumor.
From what I hear, the music selections change from place to place. I know they'll be playing both Starcraft 2 and Diablo music is their stop in Texas later in the month.
Anything sounds awesome when you have an orchestra.
Had to chance to see them at BlizzCon a couple years ago, they're really a fun experience.
This looks awesome. Do they have a website? Can't find it.

EDIT: Heh. Found it. Hooray for Bing! It's not anywhere to be bound on the first two pages of Google. Perhaps I should give Bing a chance.
I heard about this on the radio, but I really don't think there's enough game music that I really like to justify seeing it.
I watched them in LA during E3. It was lots of fun, and yes they do change their song line-up per location. In LA, they premiered some Diablo III music and had the crazy Japanese guy playing Mario music on YouTube!
Hate you.

They were in Sydney two or three years ago but at the time I was, like, 14.
I've gone twice when they were here in Louisville, KY. They're not coming again this year because the music selection hasn't changed enough. Excellent show though. I recommend going to see this!
I saw them in Seattle a few months back. They freakin' rocked!

CyberPitz: They do SC2 music. At least they did for us a few months back. It was only 2 mins or so, but it was still great.

I highly recommend people go to VGL. It's a great experience. It's not a concert where you're all quiet either. They encourage you to cheer and yell while they are performing, like a rock concert. So if there's something you love in the videos they play or something, or they are just rocking you just gotta cheer them on! It's so great.
I saw them in Seattle a few months back. They freakin' rocked!

CyberPitz: They do SC2 music. At least they did for us a few months back. It was only 2 mins or so, but it was still great.

I highly recommend people go to VGL. It's a great experience. It's not a concert where you're all quiet either. They encourage you to cheer and yell while they are performing, like a rock concert. So if there's something you love in the videos they play or something, or they are just rocking you just gotta cheer them on! It's so great.

I know they were at Blizzcon 2007 and played some rocking SC2 music, along with SC1. I really hope to hear more from them.
You saw the unveiling of SC2? D:

The U.S. unveiling. The actual unveiling was in Seoul at the World Wide Invitational a few weeks (or was it months?) before BlizzCon. Got to play a skirmish and it was a good fun, though!

VGL was probably the highlight of the entire experience.
VGL was amazing, loved every moment of it. When they played Civilization IV, it was a truly a moving performance with the choir and soloist. Everything was great, and I would definitely go see it again whenever they're back in the area.
Saw them at the Blizzard WWI in Paris last year, they're very good. I'd love to go to one of thier more varied concerts though.
I wish I could go to all these cool things. Blizzcon, Blizzard WWI, etc.