Video: Kid looses it getting killed in CS

Wow. :LOL: He tried to pick up the monitor but it was too heavy for him. :LOL: Whats with shuffling the papers on the desk though? Yeah, you showed those papers whose boss :thumbs: What a dick.
Haha i get that way sometimes lol... well not nearly as bad anyway.. I just seem to speak alot of these characters: ! @ # $ % ^ &
People like that should be put down before they cause any more trouble.
haha Thats funny

i get pissed off when i die if tk is on i kill my whole team and leave or i jsut leave
LOL that kid is such a loser.....he yells at guy next to him...which looks like the guy next to him could destroy
ROFL :LOL:, omg so funny :LOL:

So funny when he tries to pick up the monitor
Captain M4d said:
If I was his mom, I'd put a mine in his cereal.

If I was his mom, I'd put a bomb in his head, he'd be like WAAAA *picks monitor* WAAAHAAARGH *strangles the kid next to him* WAAAHAAAGAAARGH *BAOOOOM* :E
Sweet Jesus! I get mad in CSS when I get killed but OMG. This reminds me of the CS noob video where those 3 guys are playing CS and keep dieing and one of them says "Bink,bink!". Anyone still have that video?

Warning- contains language! funniest video on the planet.

edit- wait here it is
Zeus said:
Sweet Jesus! I get mad in CSS when I get killed but OMG. This reminds me of the CS noob video where those 3 guys are playing CS and keep dieing and one of them says "Bink,bink!". Anyone still have that video?

Warning- contains language! funniest video on the planet.

edit- wait here it is

LOL That is hillarious!

Anyone else got more good stuff like these two videos?

hhahaha, that is a Swedish guy, he says: Din fega jävel
Translation: You ****ing coward.
HAHAHAHA, It fitts so good in that situation in swedish.
What a ****ing looser... he really needs help. Or a good beating.
LoL, I feel like doing that sometimes. Looks a little fake though.

ITs kinda funny, i goto this lan cafe downtown vancouver, and there is this guy i named "speed"... he does speed then comes and play cs, he goes ****ing ape shit when he dies... i should get a hidden video cam and show yiou guys... he nuts.. if he caught me he might stab me with a needle tho..
Ravioli said:
hhahaha, that is a Swedish guy, he says: Din fega jävel
Translation: You ****ing coward.
HAHAHAHA, It fitts so good in that situation in swedish.
Cheers! I was wondering if that was another language or if he was so angry he just started yelling incomprehensable gibberish. :D
Could anyone host the "Bink, bink" video? The given link doesn't work for me :/