Video mode warning

  • Thread starter Thread starter St3wb3rt
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Hi, Im new to the forums but Im in desperate need of some help. I just got HL2/CS:S, but I can't play. When I run the game an error comes up "Failed to set video mode - resetting to defaults" "Game will now restart with the new video settings." It does that twice and then opens in a small window, if I attempt to change the settings, the game just crashes. Please help me, I don't want to be stuck playing CS 1.6 forever :( :( :( . My comp specs are as follows:

Compaq lmao
AMD 2600+ 2.13ghz
512MB ram
ATI Radeon 9600 SE 128MB - latest drivers installed with DirectX 9.0c

Thank You!
9600 SE... Go buy a new card. That's like, the worst card on the market. Honestly. Get a 9800 Pro or alike.

Oh, and yes, that IS your problem.
There are people with far worse graphics cards than you able to play this game.

Unfortunately I haven't come across this problem so I'd advise you to shoot off an email to Valve customer support about your problem. It also wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on this thread just incase someone more helpful comes along.

Also this seems to be the wrong forum for your thread, if you ask a mod nicely they should move it to the "Community Game Support " forum for you.

Hope things are sorted out soon for you.

:: EDIT ::

Thou shalt not make personal comments :angel:
Xune said:
There are people with far worse graphics cards than you able to play this game.

Unfortunately I haven't come across this problem so I'd advise you to shoot off an email to Valve customer support about your problem. It also wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on this thread just incase someone more helpful than Mr. Dead-Inside (how apt) comes along.

Also this seems to be the wrong forum for your thread, if you ask a mod nicely they should move it to the "Community Game Support " forum for you.

Hope things are sorted out soon for you.

That wasn't my point. SE is built with the lowest grade parts you can find.
Therefor it's often worse then many other cards on the market even older then itself. A 9800 SE has nothing on an 9600 Pro for eg.
I like to think of a Radeon 9600 SE as...


Seriously though, they call it "special edition" because it rides the short computer to school.

The graphics card is the problem and the only way to fix it is to buckle up and get a new one. Dead-Inside wasn't kidding, SE's are as bad as they get.
I would'nt go as far as to say the graphics card is the problem. As for the problem, I haven't a clue as how to fix it. Oh yeah, and I have a GeForce 4 MX 440 PCI card, so I don't think that the 9600 SE is the problem.
Dumb Dude said:
I would'nt go as far as to say the graphics card is the problem. As for the problem, I haven't a clue as how to fix it. Oh yeah, and I have a GeForce 4 MX 440 PCI card, so I don't think that the 9600 SE is the problem.

No seriously, your card is better than the 9600 SE.


Beleive me, before I got a 6800 vanilla for christmas I had one hell of an impressive "Xabre 400! Ultimate in extreme graphics with direct X 8.1 capabilities! and nothing else! and a dead puppy!"

Which ran half-life with all of the settings turned to lowest on DX 8, and even then it shut off my computer any time I got near water. And it was STILL better than a 9600 SE.
So, basically... I need a new video card or I can't run the game at all?

That pretty much sucks.
I've managed to finally get the game to run in fullscreen mode.

I changed the DirectX version VIA Launch options, ie... (-dxlevel 70, 80, 81, 90). Now if I attempt to change the video modes I get the "Memory could not be read" error that everyone is getting. Thanks a lot guys for your help, I think I may get a new video card thanks to your bashing and what not.
St3wb3rt said:
I've managed to finally get the game to run in fullscreen mode.

I changed the DirectX version VIA Launch options, ie... (-dxlevel 70, 80, 81, 90). Now if I attempt to change the video modes I get the "Memory could not be read" error that everyone is getting. Thanks a lot guys for your help, I think I may get a new video card thanks to your bashing and what not.

Ah please, I wasn't trying to bash, just being brutally honest. I would honestly reccomend it anyway. I say, if you're going to play, atleast make it worth while.

Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have remembered that the sucky edition cant handle direct x 9, i think it has 8.1 though.
:D, I think Im gonna go with the 9600xt. Good enough?

I know you werent trying to bash, but its the truth :/.

I seriously wish I could change my video settings :( :( :(
Failed to set video mode

Hi New to the forums and a Fan Of Half -life 2 Games

First I clicked on the Hl2 Lancher The Game works after the valve Man logo
then when coming to the Game menu It says this error

Prevously it work On my other geforce card then gone

Here Are my computer specs

Microsoft Windows Xp

Service pack 1

Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.80Ghz
1.80 GHz
256 MB Of RAM

Graphic Card : MSI Ms- Starforce GeForce FX 5500
(Nvidia GeForce FX 5500)

:( :( :(
I should break your neck for posting in a ONE YEAR OLD THREAD, but my helping instinct forces me to aid you.

What error? You didn't say what error.