Video Problem, Probably..


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, with that new Hard drive I started using (from the Computer Exploding Thread), I'm trying to run this game (Lego Rock Raiders - say what you will, it's fun as hell), but about 3 minutes into the game my screen goes black, the HUD still shows, the sounds still plays, eveything is normal but the world where I am supposed to click my mouse on is black, and I can't do anything, I've got drivers in my my GFX card, the game was made in 1998, maybe my somputer is too new? (2001).

I've tried alot of things, please suggestions! I want to play this game!
Suggestion - don't play that game.

And don't bother flaming me, kthx.
Thanks for contibuting to this thread, your parents should rest easier knowing they've raised such a contribution to the world.

Your post is appretiated. :)