Video problems


May 19, 2008
Reaction score
Hey! I'm new to this place, but I also have a question.

I currently have both Half Life 2, and Half Life 2 : Episode One installed on my computer.

HL2:1 ran perfectly fine, until Dog threw me into the Citadel, then distant textures turned white, and the further I got into the game, the less loaded.

HL2 also runs fine, but the lag peaks when I look into certain directions, usually the direction that the level runs in...

I currently am running this on a Gateway, GT5464 to be exact, with 1g RAM and a basic video card, Intel 82945G Express. Its kinda crappy, I'm guessing because its an integrated graphics card on a media computer.

I have a Radeon 9500 laying around, I havent gotten to installing it yet, mainly because I dont know if that old graphics card is going to be any better than the Intel. :/ What do you think?
trust me the 9500 despite its age will be much better.