Video Problems



Hello everyone,

This is my first post here, although I have been searching through these forums for a few days now. I recently picked up Half Life 2 and after a long installation proceeded to test out the game. It didn't take me too long to figure out that these rainbow colored triangles which covered selected things were not supposed to be there. I have been trying everything to get them to go away, from in game video changes to driver re-installation. At one point I dropped the resolution to 800x600 to see if on a longshot that would help. For about 30 minutes of playing time I was free of the psychadelic patterns, until they came back. I have noticed that they appear more frequently on dark areas lit by the flashlight, although some things in bright daylight still posses them. I have many more screenshots if need be, but this one about covers it, I think.

My computer's specifications are as follows.

AMD Athlon XP 2800+
ATI Radeon 9600 XT All In Wonder
1 GB 3200/400 RAM
2 60 GB Maxtor Drives, 7200 RPM

I have installed the latest Catalyst drivers and verified my Steam files with the link on the Steam FAQ page.

Any help at all would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome to the club. The glitches get so bad that it locks up my entire pc.
Have you overclocked your graphics card, 'cause that's kinda what a game looks like when a gpu has been overclocked too much.