videocard drives dont seen to dowload well


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I have tried to dowload some drivers to my videocard but they dont seem to download fine

my video card is a fx 5500 nvidia

did the drivers of these cards are not avaible?
Try the FX Here
After you DL driver; make sure uninstall older driver first, reboot system, disable all anti virus/spyware programs and, install new driver, reboot.

Good Luck.
how I uninstall the olders?

and when you mean reboot you mean reset?

EDIT:from that link is where I download it
No by rebooting it's meant to shut down your pc and restarting it, not pressing the reset button. Just to clear that up.
No by rebooting it's meant to shut down your pc and restarting it, not pressing the reset button. Just to clear that up.

Sigh don't confuse the noobs, it'll prompt them to ask more questions. Besides your wrong.

Reboot: To turn (a computer or operating system) off and then on again; restart.
Restart: To start again or anew: restarted the engine after it stalled.

Both shutting down your computer and turning it back on or using the reset button both reboot/restart the computer. Obviously shutting down/restarting within the OS is much smarter and won't **** things up.
Now you're just confusing me. You're pretty much saying the same message I gave in a hard way.

You said that a reboot and reset were the same. Just to prevent the poor guy from pressing the reset button, I tried to clear it up. Don't get into dictionary definitions, please.
Yeah, don't hit the reset button on the PC case while in Windows. Just stick with the shutdown or restart buttons in the windows start menu.

1. Add remove programs.
2. Remove drivers.
3. Reboot (reboot and reset mean the same thing).
4. Run new driver install.
5. Reboot again.

"Reboot" and "Reset" do not mean the same thing.
Reboot by way of OS "Start, Turn Off Computer, Restart" is when you reboot.
Reset means, Turning PC off by way of pressing reset button or pressing power button till PC shuts off.

RJMC do this.
First download driver from the link I gave you.
Save it (Driver) a place where you can easily find it, like (Desktop)
Press "Start"
Press "Control Panel"
Press "Add or Remove Programs"
Find "Nvidida drivers" and press it.
If you have other Nvidia drivers it will give you a dialog which will offer different options.
Look for the option that says "Remove only the following" and select it.
Look for the option which says "Nvidia Display driver" and select it.
Then press "Remove"
After the UN-installment is over system will prompt you to restart, Choose "Yes or OK" and system will reboot itself.
After system comes back; disable any security programs you may have (anti virus/spyware) then install new driver.
Again you will be prompted to restart; choose "Yes or OK"

Resetting system while installing drivers may create bad-install or corrupt system files and or may become unremovable; soft-reboot is a must; not reset.

Good Luck.
"Reboot" and "Reset" do not mean the same thing.
Reboot by way of OS "Start, Turn Off Computer, Restart" is when you reboot.
Reset means, Turning PC off by way of pressing reset button or pressing power button till PC shuts off.

Restart not reset ;) You can reboot, restart and reset your computer. The first two mean the same thing.
I apologize then, it baffles me why he thought you wouldn't restart and hence I typed that. Meh whatever.

Confusion aside the Nvidia site should work perfectly, what browser/download manager you using?
I've downloaded incomplete files from Nvidia's site once before. Seemed to disconnect mid way through download but then claim 100% downloaded (IE&FF). /shrug

Although 0bytes in size? Something is not maintaining a connection. hehe