Video's that changed your perception...

This is actually a good topic. I just wish I had a video I contribute and say it changed my perceptions. Unfortunately it was something internal that just sort of clicked when I realized that I was viewing life all wrong, and especially when it comes to global politics and how it affected the lives of people that could very much be just like me, thrust into situations where they have no control. Also when my cousin decided to join the military and I knew he was going to be shipped out to Iraq, where he is currently serving now. That was another big thing that caused me to reshape my perspective, because I don't want this stupid war on terrorism to cost the life of my beloved cousin, and I realize that I was too callous in the past when it comes to the lives being extinguished... loved ones of other people.

It's so easy to just say, "Well they died serving us, they protect our freedoms" when you have absolutely no connection to them as a human being, and just as a entity that makes up an armed force.
I'd rather not remember the videos that had an impact on me. But they're mostly the real footage of something terrible that puts life into perspective for me. Ive seen videos of the most happy things in life, and videos of the most disgusting and horrible things that, even on the internet, are hidden away from most people's eyes.

None of which had cheesy effects added, with emotional music playing in the background.
A lot of documentary videos that made me a little less ignorant. Particularly liked Nova's "The Elegant Universe" which got me intrigued in physics in a big way, even if so much of it was theoretical at best.
hehe cool be honest i really can't remember what changed my perception of the world, i was gradually changing my view.

these days nothing really shocks me anymore (almost nothing) the internet just ****ed me up too much...but i'm not saying i lost empathy or something it's just i don't go....OMG i can't believe that..anymore.
That earthlings video that was posted here a while back.
I once saw one of those videos of them sawing a guys head off in iraq. Goatse and all that stuff is nothing compared to that.