Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain

Oh, this rings back to the good ol' days of Swift Vets For Bush. And the extensive smear campaigns that hit McCain back in 2000.

I'm skeptical.
They seem like pretty reasonable people. I heard McCain had one of the worse military discipline records going, hardly a good recommendation for a man seeking office tbh. I'd also note, there's nothing Heroic about carpet bombing people.
I'd also note, there's nothing Heroic about carpet bombing people.

Its not like they had any choice.

I haven't watched the video but this is probably more bullshit from idiots that never even served with him. If there is one thing I respect about McCain it would be the time he spent as a POW.
I respect John Mccain's military record and his hardship as a POW, but I'm not sure he'd be a good Commander in Chief.

But hey, wasn't he one of the first on the senate to call out Rumsfeld?