Viewtiful Joe


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
I got this game for my gamecube last week and its so bloody difficult :flame:
tis the only game ive played for a long time where ive had to repeat levels again and again to finish them. On walkthroughs and stuff theres comments like 'you should be able to do this bit without taking damage' or whatever, but i cant :(

Has anybody else played this and if so, did you have problems or am i just pathetic at it?

(btw its still a brilliant game :D )
I played it in a shop once, really difficult untill I learned a few tricks. (like I died against that cowboy guy for ages til I realised that I could return his bullets)
It's all practise mate. Watch the bad guys, work out whether their attack will be high or low, and avoid it (on the easier settings you'll get a warning before each attack)

Once you get the hang of slowing down time and stringing combos together you'll find things get much easier.

It's worth persevering. VJ and its sequal (which is alot more forgiving btw) are both excellent games :)
It is a very hard game indeed. I gave up on it half way through.
It's really hard, but it's good. Which leads me to my only can't save enough! It seems like you only have the opportunity to save ever 45 minutes.
I can't even get through adult difficulty and I'm near the end of the game. Only other game that I've had trouble with are contra games.
Vigilante said:
It's really hard, but it's good. Which leads me to my only can't save enough! It seems like you only have the opportunity to save ever 45 minutes.

It's one of those games that's meant to be played quite a few times - going trhough each level umpteen timed untill you've worked it out it.

The challenge is in doing each section perfect :)
In this game, there is always a way to overcome problems. Until you know how to do it, though, you'll get pummelled. I have a friend who is *unreal* at this game, he can just breeze through V-rated difficulty in style. There's always a way.

What bit you stuck on anyway? You're supposed to play through Kids difficulty before adults btw, it's essential training...