VIRUS Oh noes!!!!!!


Apr 22, 2004
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I just updated my virus definitions and a Trojan showed up, I can't delete it or quarintine it, and I don't wanna have to reformat my HD. It actually hasn't done anything yet so maybe its not real???Anyways, How do I attach a picture?I went to manage attachments and browsed, chose it, but it dont work... :(

EDIT:The virus is Trojan.Adclicker and it has infected winbas32.exe.
Thank You, so I take it it is sorta like adware???Not much to worry about?..I hope...Or should I get rid of it ASAP!I have to go to bed so could I do it in the morning??
You should want to take any Virus/Trojan/Adware/Malware off of your computer as soon as possible. Your computer should be fine till tommorow, but get rid of it ASAP.

Also, make sure you do windows updates and get a firewall. Those will help cut down the number of viruses/trojans that you will receive.