Vis Problem!


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone else having a vis freezeup problem? While compiling the vix.exe takes up 100% cpu. It ether takes 40+ mins to compile (this isnt a huge map) (Size of a aimmap but a lot more complex) Latly is has been just freezeing. What map errors might cause this? ty for help.
I had that once, took 59 minutes... never knew what it was, cause never had it again (well thats because I abandoned that map). Could be something with models. Also ingame that map would appear shady, then bright based on where I moved for some reason.
woodbulb said:
I had that once, took 59 minutes... never knew what it was, cause never had it again (well thats because I abandoned that map). Could be something with models. Also ingame that map would appear shady, then bright based on where I moved for some reason.

Im not having the light problems. So i dont know. Not using any models ether.

Anyway. Now im havning another problem. The ct spawns dont work. Im useing the info player start counter-terrorist entity.