Vision of the future, perhaps?


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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Generally I have crazy/realistic dreams but the one I had last night was wierd.

I don't mean in it's actual content, but I think I foretold Mother's Day to myself.

I had no idea that Mother's Day is coming up, but in my dream I was standing in one of my classrooms hadning a teacher a gift, and on the whi-- I MEAN PENBOARD! D: there was the words "Happy Mother's Day" written inside a heart.

After my dream, on my way to school, my father says "We should get a gift for Mother's Day" and I was rather creeped. D:

lol, the rest of the dream was just escaping from a person who would kill one person, raise him/her from the dead and tell them their next target. I was running through bushland with two random kids and my martial arts teacher, we found two Skill Test machines in an open field and tried to get this purple duck that moved around inside the machine. :laugh:
First, it is wonderful to talk about weird dream.

Danimal said:
I had no idea that Mother's Day is coming up, but in my dream I was standing in one of my classrooms hadning a teacher a gift, and on the whi-- I MEAN PENBOARD! D: there was the words "Happy Mother's Day" written inside a heart.

After my dream, on my way to school, my father says "We should get a gift for Mother's Day" and I was rather creeped. D:

Coincidence. There is no foretold.

Danimal said:
lol, the rest of the dream was just escaping from a person who would kill one person, raise him/her from the dead and tell them their next target. I was running through bushland with two random kids and my martial arts teacher, we found two Skill Test machines in an open field and tried to get this purple duck that moved around inside the machine. :laugh:

That is your real future, be careful.
I had a dream the other night that I got a huge crowd of people to go against bush. he was walking out of one of those buildings in washington D.C and there was a huge mob around him. I started yelling that he was a criminal and that he will be impeached. He just smiled and waved as though nothing was happening. It was a strange night where I slept 14 hours because of the flu. i had more dreams in that night than I did in the past 4 weeks.
Dream threads lol.

I ignore my dreams because they are meaningless rubbish.
Danimal said:
Generally I have crazy/realistic dreams but the one I had last night was wierd.

I don't mean in it's actual content, but I think I foretold Mother's Day to myself.

I had no idea that Mother's Day is coming up, but in my dream I was standing in one of my classrooms hadning a teacher a gift, and on the whi-- I MEAN PENBOARD! D: there was the words "Happy Mother's Day" written inside a heart.

After my dream, on my way to school, my father says "We should get a gift for Mother's Day" and I was rather creeped. D:

lol, the rest of the dream was just escaping from a person who would kill one person, raise him/her from the dead and tell them their next target. I was running through bushland with two random kids and my martial arts teacher, we found two Skill Test machines in an open field and tried to get this purple duck that moved around inside the machine. :laugh:

sounds like you might have some guilt towards your mother ..probably something very slight that maybe's in the back of your mind a missed birthday or something along those lines

either that or you're stark raving loco and have a fascination for purple ducks and skill testing machines (the answer is always B)
I took the test, said I was good at remote viewing or whatever. cool.
I have dreams where I see into the "future" all the time, and get dejavu feelings all the time, but I don't believe we actually see into the future..
When we're resting, our subconscience might build a vision of what it THINKS might happen tomorrow, from earlier events, if you follow what I mean, considering how amazing the human subconscience is, it, for me atleast, usually hits the jackpot..
I see that as a NATURAL explanation however and I do not believe in shiet like seeing into the future, psychics, telepathy, ESP etc, though I'm not denying that it might be real, I just don't believe it as of right now, but any of you guys are welcome to come here and proove to me that it exists.:p
I dreamt new york was hit by a hurricane once : / . It was vivid .. but I didn't seem to be participating.. it was like 3rd person.
Talk about natural disaster dreams. I dreamed once that I was home in my apartment and there was a massive storm outside. i went to the balcony to see wtf was happening only to see near the horizon 5 huge twisters coming right for my building. When they hit the building it acted like a cut tree and just fell to the ground with me in it along for the ride. Weird thing is I didn't feel scared at all, like it was a role-coaster ride or something, and I remember thinking that was fun lets do it again:P .
I always dream about the most random irrelevant bullshit.

Last dream I remember I was a female getting raped by a sugar jar. :|
Another time there was hay all over the shopping centre and there were horses and bunnys walking around. :|
theSteven said:
I always dream about the most random irrelevant bullshit.

Last dream I remember I was a female getting raped by a sugar jar. :|
Another time there was hay all over the shopping centre and there were horses and bunnys walking around. :|

:laugh: I have to admit that's dang weird.

I had a stupid dream yesterday. I dreamed that my pet dog had turned into a monster like that from The Thing, scared the shit outta me , real nasty looking, and I was running like hell from it. I finally wake up only to see that the dog was sleeping in my room, that made me feel ill right there I'll tell ya. I just don't get it, after I saw that stupid movie I didn't have any nightmares about it, why the hell now?
Tickle (I hate that site so much!) said:
Why?, you have an unusually strong psychic talent in the area of Precognition

This means you have an uncanny ability to look into the future and anticipate what is going to happen. By knowing something's going to occur, you can even change the outcome of events for the better.

Why?, our in-depth analysis also shows you have other hidden psychic strengths including retrocognition (the ability to know what has happened in the past), telepathy (the ability to sense people's true thoughts) and clairvoyance (the ability to see the unknown).

I have the occasional dream of stuff that will happen in the future, but I am only freaked out at this one because it was about something I hadn't the faintest idea about.

I've had wierder dreams though compared to the skill testing machiens and purple ducks. Once I played Bowling in Hell. I think I posted about that dream somewhere else.
Redneck said:
:laugh: I have to admit that's dang weird.

I had a stupid dream yesterday. I dreamed that my pet dog had turned into a monster like that from The Thing, scared the shit outta me , real nasty looking, and I was running like hell from it. I finally wake up only to see that the dog was sleeping in my room, that made me feel ill right there I'll tell ya. I just don't get it, after I saw that stupid movie I didn't have any nightmares about it, why the hell now?
I HATED that scene ****ing hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate GOD DAMMIT I ****ING HATED THAT SCENE! The dogs and the juices and the mutilated heads and the claws and the mutilated flesh and the......... erm..... yeah....

I had a dream last night where it started out a man, who looked as if he was dressed in the clothes worn by the Rebels in HL2, telling me something and all I understood was "Don't feel guilty. It's what they would have wanted" and he handed me a rather large rifle. He gave out orders, and I followed him and 4 others out into an empty cityscape. It was quiet for a few minutes and I started seeing disfigured people crawling out of windows, from under cars, roofs, everywhere. I looked at some and what shocked me was that most of them looked like people I knew, mostly close friends.They were still for a second, kind of like they were studying us. Then they started rushing us and we opened fire. The last thing I remember is a clawed hand knocking me to the ground, and the sound of my group rushing to me. I still have the image of the bullet riddled corpses burned into my brain.
Ah yes. Game like dreams. I just had one a few nights ago where I was in a kind of Resident Evil kind of thing. Terrifying really. Nice sig, by the way.
I dreamt that I was in a school camp. On an island, that was slowly flooding. We all built rafts and got on. After a while we reached a valley and stopped there. I looked at a friend and told her that her jacket was on 20 health and i could repair it with a repair hammer.

What this proves is that I play Oblivion way too much.
If my dreams came to life, the world would be ****ed up place right now.
I've had a dream once that I was in an empty square and I was in the middle of a gun fight for some reason. The thing is right about in the middle of that dream I became lucid. I walked out of where I was hiding with the bullets ricocheting off of me and then beat the crap out of one guy with a CAR! LMAO:laugh: :laugh: . Lucid dreams are way fun:D