Vista and Half-Life


Apr 16, 2009
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Hokay, so, being an avid player of Half-Life 2, and suddenly finding myself with a bit of extra monies, I'm thinking of buying the Half-Life Anthology over Steam (the original Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift). I notice, however, that the system requirements list Windows 2000/XP, but not Vista. Normally I'd go ahead and buy anyways, but given that Vista has screwed over my gaming experience before (grr Bioshock grumblemumble :flame:), and given that I am an almost completely computer-illiterate person who would likely be unable to deal with any problems that come up, I find myself reluctant.

So how about it, forums? Anyone ever had any problems running Half-Life Classic Flavor on Vista? Any tips on running older games on newer computers?
Every game in that pack runs flawlessly on Vista (at least for me). Buy it.
I've played though the entire Half-Life Anthology on Vista with no issues whatsoever.
I can only echo the above statements. The original games from CDs would obviously have an issue, but when downloading these games from Steam, Valve are sending you the completely updated & patched version which will work perfectly.

They are pretty small games too really (in comparison to new games!) so should download really quick.
Thanks for the info, guys. Purchased, downloaded, and ran through tutorial. Seems to work fine :afro:

I find it fascinating how elaborate the tutorial is, with all the in-depth instructions for how to move and jump and such. It's interesting how in HL2, they expect us to know how to do all that already, or at least expect us to figure it out without the help of a magical holographic guide. Technology marches on, I guess...