Vista to be released first week in October


May 5, 2004
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"Microsoft is aiming for a global rollout in the first week of October (2 - 6 October). At launch date, Microsoft will also introduce DirectX9L (formerly named Windows Graphics Framework 1.0), the Vista upgrade for the multimedia driver, as well as DirectX 10 (WGF 2.0) and the Media Center Edition (MCE) of Vista. An update for DirectX (v10.1) will be released in the second half of 2007."

That means there should be dx10 cards available by that time

I think I'll wait till the first service pack ...which should be about Jan 2007.
i would like to hear from more sources then just this, but it would be awesome if it is in october
Yay!! More buggy software from microsoft! A pen and paper is more reliable than Windows.
lol, so what do people think to microsoft's word.. is Crysis is going to be available roughly the same time, or at exactley the same time of release?
great... :| gonna jump right into it and buy Vista right away... :rolleyes:
seriously...i will probably wait for service pack number 1 before i even consider purchasing this version.
clarky003 said:
lol, so what do people think to microsoft's word.. is Crysis is going to be available roughly the same time, or at exactley the same time of release?
Not a chance, unless it's farther along than any of us know. I hope it doesn;t get shoveled out the door in a crappy state to make release. I don;t think it will, but Microsoft has been known to pressure people into releasing things early.
But I'll probably wait for the first DX10 games to come out before I grab it up. Leaving time for any serious problems to be fixed.