Voice Comms Query


Nov 4, 2004
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Im about to get myself a new fangled phone, which comes with a bluetooth headset. I've been told I can use this with my PC (which has BT already), but how well will it work with BF2?

Ideally, I would have ingame sound coming through my speakers, but have voice comms coming through on the headset (SOCOM stylee)

Does that work?
I doubt it's possible to selectively output sound. But then again I've never tried it, so I may be wrong.
well the headset (apparently) shows up as a seperate sound device. so maybe?
Perhaps, but I don't think it's possible to have only the voice comm through the headsets. It depends on how BF2 manages sound, and how flexible it is in terms of doing it yourself.
you shoudl be able to set your system mic to that so it will use it for all apps