Voice interaction video game

Needs to be more intuitive to be awesome still. :smoking:
I think it is a horrible idea and doesn't look fun at all, and I bet you would sound real cool saying Shoot monster eye! Shoot monster eye! Shoot monster eye! Reload!
I never proposed to Lara Croft...

Anyway, i suppose the technology is cool but really i wouldnt like controlling the character that way.

Perhaps using it in an RPG would be good, instead of giving you a list of options to say you could just say it. However, that would need a lot of stuff for recognising the sentences you spout out.
Actually you could really mess up someones game by talking to them. Not very sociable really, i eman everyone has to be silent while one person plays.
Don't know, i'm used to shouting commands like 'turn left! shoot that guy!' etc after teachin my mate how to play CS back in the days. I guess this way its kinda the same, but without the need for the noob at the keys.
What i dont get though is accuracy and things like that?

"Shoot them all the enemy CT's in the head with one spray of the AK!"

*Terroists Win*

FarrowLeSparrow:I r teh winnar!
i think its a cool idea, but i wouldnt get it unless i knew it was really good.

"win the game for me!!"

/me wins