Vorticism: Definition?


Oct 2, 2004
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Recently my English class has been assigned to write a research paper on the artistic movements of the Modern Period. I was given "Vorticism", but after a little research, it has been difficult to find a clear definition of the movement. Is anyone knowledgeable in this area?
Have you tried to simply google it, cause i seem to get a lot of usefull links when i search for it. And I believe you can simply use the wiki "origins"section to write a definition.
The name "Vorticism" was given to the movement by Ezra Pound in 1913, although Wyndham Lewis, usually seen as the central figure in the movement, had been producing paintings in the same style for a year or so previously. The style grew out of Cubism, but is more closely related to Futurism in its embrace of dynamism, the machine age and all things modern. However, Vorticism diverged from Futurism in the way that it tried to capture movement in an image. In a Vorticist painting modern life is shown as an array of bold lines and harsh colours drawing the viewer's eye into the centre of the canvas.
according to my fluid mechanics text, vorticity equals del cross F
wikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwiki is a good place to start
Phat-t said:
Recently my English class has been assigned to write a research paper on the artistic movements of the Modern Period. I was given "Vorticism", but after a little research, it has been difficult to find a clear definition of the movement. Is anyone knowledgeable in this area?

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