Vote for Left4Dead!

For the pc, defenetly L4D.

Overal my vote whould go for GTA4. I have had some awesome time with that.
L4D is the most fun game I've played all year.

I'll be playing it for longer than any of the others too.

EDIT: voted!
Woops i've lost my old password had to make a new account :|
But i've voted now
L4D FTW :cheese:
I love it how the 5 finalists almost completely contradict the written intro there.
If you liked Oblivion, yeah. If you like quality, not so much. :3

Well, I voted Fallout 3. I love that game.
As for L4D: funny, polished, well made, but overrated. By the way, I wouldn't compare L4D with single player games. It's a nonsense.
Yet you clearly compared single-player games to L4D when you voted...
Well, everybody is entitled to their opinion...even if it's retarded.