

Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
alright, now matter how many console commands i read, I can't votemap. game.votemap alright, i got ...i tried numerous ways of putting the map there. I tried numbers/names/names with/without _'s .I'm lost.
You know you can hit TAB and votemap through there... Right?
You press and hold tab, then you right click so the cursor appears. Then click the box at the top and then select the map.

Easy. :)
The hard part is getting the vote to succeed.
lmfao, I feel like a fkn idiot. Here I was, going though the console commands, and THERE IT WAS!

15357 said:
Theres console commands?
Yeah, you never use em. And they are so friggin bogus. Like the votemap one I was trying to use game.voteMap

wtf game.??


its nuts. I like valves cl/sv/mp/gh3y abbreviations to start the command. Easier to type out fast like :P
JellyWorld said:
I've never seen a vote succeed in BF2 before.

I wish it was more like Tribes 2. Almost every time somebody initiated a vote to kick somebody they got kicked because everyone thought, "Hey...they're getting the vote for a reason" and bam they were gone. Map votes succeeded a lot more then too.

The only votes that win a lot are mutiny votes. Map change works when it heads to some maps (Karkand, Shariq, Mashtuur, etc).
They need a time limit on votes in succession. I mean, someone wants to be com, so he mutinies. it fails, he does it again, it fails, does it again. ANnoying as hell.
CyberPitz said:
They need a time limit on votes in succession. I mean, someone wants to be com, so he mutinies. it fails, he does it again, it fails, does it again. ANnoying as hell.

You can always give up your right to vote in the options menu.
15357 said:
You can always give up your right to vote in the options menu.

I think he means when he's com, cause I know he's comm ALLOT.

But yeah, there is a limit. I remember once, I tried to vote out a commander, it failed (just by like, one vote) so I figured, hey, everybody wants this guy out, so why not try again?

Retry, but I get a message saying I have to wait.

Might have been the votemap menu, but I know one of them has a limit.