voter registration issues


Aug 7, 2004
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Im a little irritated with La's voting system. I never received anything that states Im offically registered, nor a sample ballot. I called the voting registration number, only to be placed on hold for about 20-30 minutes, afterwords I had to get back to work. After work I called again, and used their system to check my voter registration status. It said that there was no record. So, I tried calling again. I was on hold for another 20 minutes. I hung up, called again, only to find that the office was closed. What ever happened to my right to vote? grrr.....*face shrivels up like an over ripe prune * This is my first time registering to vote, and it was way before registration was over (last month).

Is anyone else having problems registering?...
The same thing happened to me when I tried to register to vote. They lost my "application". Luckily I decided to register as soon as I turned 18 and became suspicious when I never receieved a voter ID card in the mail 3 months later.

The second time registering to vote was a success. Except my voter's registeration card has me voting at the wrong precinct. Which means if I ever vote in person, they won't accept my ballot since the location where I live should vote at a different precinct. That wouldn't matter too much except the people at the correct precinct won't accept my ballot because my voter's registration card doesn't list their precinct.

Don't even get me started about mail-in ballots either. :|
Why do they make this so difficult? Do they really not want us to vote? You'd think that after a couple hundred years as a nation, we would have the kinks worked out. Not to mention its my right as an american to be able to vote for who I think should run our country.

Im just venting, really... arrrrrrrrrrrr.....