Voucher Key Stolen


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Searched, didn't find this on the first 2 pages, making new thread

If someone has stolen my ATI Voucher key, is there any way I can find out who took it?

I know it's my fault, and I'm not griping, just curious is all.

Thanks in advance
Nothing you can really do, contact Steam / Valve and see what they can do, but I don't think a whole lot. Sorry bro.
Well how was it stolen? Physically? Over the net? Via Steam Hacks?

How do you know it was stolen?

This really should be asked @ steampowered.com where you can get the attention of the developers.
Find the person and beat the ever-loving bejesus out of him. Make him give you back your key, and there is your solution.
haha, great answer, beat him up I might do :)

But I know he did it cause he never had one, and put the key he "got" and got css and all, and mine doesn't work :P coincidences haha.
cyberpitz said:
haha, great answer, beat him up I might do :)

But I know he did it cause he never had one, and put the key he "got" and got css and all, and mine doesn't work :P coincidences haha.

No it is Ironic!

hehe couldn't resist!
Any chance they can find out who did it thru the key numbers?
If you have the voucher id number then yes... randomly no.
By the sounds of it, the criminal looks to be a brother, possibly younger. Threaten his life and everythign will turn out ok. It always has, always will. Make sure to bring weapons such as knives, brass knuckles, and if need, guns to promote your seriousness of the situation. Instill fear into his head and you'll have your key back in no time, and possibly a lawsuit or two.
lol, like I said he already used the key, so I don't think getting it back will work :P I'm just worndering if I can catch him in the act so I'm SURE :P (not like I am not right now anyway)
The only way to be sure is what Peqkx said, make him fear for his life and you'd be amazed at all the things he admits. He'll even tell you about the time he wet the bed.
cyberpitz said:
lol, like I said he already used the key, so I don't think getting it back will work :P I'm just worndering if I can catch him in the act so I'm SURE :P (not like I am not right now anyway)

If you call up Steam Customer Service (if they even have one) and tell then your key number then they can tell you what account is using it.
for someone who's had their voucher stolen, you appear to be rather calm...I personally would;ve broken his legs if he had've stolen it from me...but then again, I don't even know how to break someone's legs so it's pointless I guess...
well if you KNOW who did it then i would get their steam password then login and change it, then tell them to **** off :sniper: then you have 2 accounts + your CS:S and HL2 back :)
Get him to buy you the Gold version over steam in compensation. A simple solution (or if your a fair person and forgive him perhaps the silver version).
there are 2 ways

1) Like the others said (if he's younger and smaller lol), make his life hell :P scare the little *@#&!!

2) Really realy really really long and hard way, get in contact with ATi about it and they will make you take many many many pictures of your receipts, video card, video card box, and the vouchuer :P

I'd take way 1) first
i had the same problem... i sent my voucher in the mail and told them to reset the key as was suggested by the steam troubleshoot, but im still waiting for them to do it. sent it about 2-3 weeks ago.
Wilco said:
Get him to buy you the Gold version over steam in compensation. A simple solution (or if your a fair person and forgive him perhaps the silver version).

That's a really good way actually. Seriously. just say it like this:

way 1: Umm, since you stoll my key, I want you to buy me the gold (or silver) version onlinie.

way 2: Allright you ****er, this is over, go onto the ****ing internet and order a goddamn gold version og half lfe2! now! miserable little ****er!