Vue-6 projects


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I'm really interested in the possibilities of the application, and I have found the page for downloading the PLE (personal Learning Edition):

However, as my Nephew is hogging my computer I cannot really spend much time to do it. At least not till the end of next week. After that (and the fact I would of done my exam resit) I will have all the time in the world. Apparently it is easy to use, so I shouldn't have muh problems with using it.

Has there been anybody on this site who has used the app, and if so, could you tell me the recommended specs for computer (i.e. would my q6600, 8800 320mb, 2gb comp run it :D)

Any art work or projects you have successfully made or messed up?

looks like an awesome 3d engine..

is this like speedtree tech or something?
It looks really intuitive, I'll be sure to try it on my new PC.
looks like an awesome 3d engine..

is this like speedtree tech or something?

I think they are usuing an in-house propriety tech to perform the trees and such.

But I checked on their website, and this engine is used for many things such as Still Art, which I am really interested in doing.

It also does animations. If you wanted to, you can import models from 3DSmax, Maya and XSI.


Anyway of exporting the Gman model so I can stick him in a field of Corn? :thumbs:
I made this in Vue 5 Esprit like a year ago.


Impressive stuff. Did you buy it or are you using the free license?
I bought it. I bought the Easel version at CompUSA, and then I liked it so much that I upgraded to Esprit.
Wow... procedural plants?. I take it this is pretty expensive, right? How well would it compare with Blender?
Its completely different.

And they offer a bunch of different version depending on how into it you want to get. They have the beginner version called Easel, the intermediate version called Esprit, an advanced one called Pro Studio, and their professional ones called Infinite and another called XStream.