

Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
what does it do? alls i know is it takes forever when i compile my map. (half hour maybe). if i were to perhaps ctrl alt delete it and end task....would it dramatically effect my map? Bear in mind that I am currently using the compile tool to test my map....im not done with it. I also know about the visgroups and cordon bounds and whatever. Just wanna know if i should be goin around ctrlaltdeletin this task....cause its takin for-freaking-ever.

It is looking like it is not responding because it is struggling to do some massive calculating in organising your brushwork.
As you get better and understand how the engine does things you will see teh compile time decrease.

Make sure you have vis set to fast while testing. You can turn rad off altogether as it takes ages whatever.

Ctrl Alt Deleting will not do you any favours. And more importantly your map wont compile.
If VIS isn't allowed to finish, your entire map will be rendered from every point, whether you can actually see what's halfway across the map or not.
Raeven0 said:
If VIS isn't allowed to finish, your entire map will be rendered from every point, whether you can actually see what's halfway across the map or not.

What he is trying to say is that you fps will be very low, alot lower than it would be if you set everything to normal and let the compile finish.
ah. it doesnt seem to have an effect on my fps at all actually. might just be me though....but like i said im usin it mainly now for testing purposes....when it comes to finalizing it i will set everything to normal.