VW Polo Singing Dog

Youtube comments, retarded as always. "OMG ANIMAL CRUELTY!"

I lol'd.
How could anyone reasonably think that dog was treated cruelly? It's an acting dog, they're trained to do that stuff. Morons.
my dad helped the graphics in this advert, the dog a stunt dog and on comand he will do as the owner pleases..lol
my dad helped the graphics in this advert, the dog a stunt dog and on comand he will do as the owner pleases..lol
my dad helped the graphics in this advert, the dog a stunt dog and on comand he will do as the owner pleases..lol
my dad helped the graphics in this advert, the dog a stunt dog and on comand he will do as the owner pleases..lol

How could anyone reasonably think that dog was treated cruelly? It's an acting dog, they're trained to do that stuff. Morons.

Possibly because they failed to train their own dogs and automatically think it's impossible for a dog to perform such actions on command. Idiots I swear. I've managed to make one of my dogs open doors when told, it's rather funny to watch. Useful when my hands are full though.