W.I.P for Art Final


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Something i've been doing in photoshop for a while for my art final. I enjoy drawing in my own little cartoony style so i don't really wanna hear comments like "its not realistic" because that would be stating the obvious. Anyway, its nowhere near finished and its just one part of two. Those two make 1 final piece together and i'm doing 3, i've already finished one and i've got another 5 or so weeks to finish the other two. Anyway here it is, its only 50% of the actual size its gonna be, but i figured i'd make it easier to load for those of you with 56k.

its looks good. the only quib is that the bus wheels seem kind of out of perspective maybe. i likke your architecture and put some people into zee bus unless its like a ghost bus or something o_O??
It looks pretty nice. The road could maybe use a small bit of detail, even if it's something simple like white/yellow lines. My art teacher always told us never to do something cartoony for a final piece, since the people who judge the work are always old farts that prefer traditional mediums etc etc.
Well i've got 3 pieces that i'm doing and two of them are traditional mediums so it should be good. Plus the cartoony style fits in with my subject matter alot better than realism does.
I love it :) The road looks a little plain, though, it doesn't quite fit in
Yeah i'm gonna add little details like cracks and shit into the buildings and the road later. I just wanna finish the cars, then i'll do all the props (light posts and traffic lights etc) and then the people.
Sparta, that looks awesome :smoking:

What class is it for? (art obviously, but to what level)
Its year 12, so my last year before University.
I love it; especially the perspective (although there are some tiny niggles in that department, too small to notice at first). Tell me- are you interested in architectural type drawings by any chance? My dad was an architect, I'm quite good at it too.
:D Looks reallly good, great attention to detail. The marble building is awesome. :)
Yeah the perspective is a little off. And no i'm not really interested in architectural drawings or anything like that. Although i have noticed that its been a theme in some of my work over the few years.

This was one i did in year 10 for graphics

This was my final for my graphics earlier this year (thanks to TDE for testing the render in FPrime for me)

Funny thing is, even though the building doesnt actually have an entrance, no one noticed and i still got 100% on semester 1 for graphics.

Here's another shot of that one, this time looking up the middle.

Here's an alternate roof thingy for that shot

And here's some of the other idea's that i thought didn't make the cut for my year 12 final

So...actually i guess i do have a thing for drawing/designing buildings. Still i dont want to be an architect. I wanna be a director.
It's not realistic.

Edit- Awesome work, the bus seems weird, maybe because it has no shadow.
Update time.

Finished both parts of this now. Here's one
I'll post the other one later i can't be stuffed posting it now
Sparta said:
Update time.

Finished both parts of this now. Here's one
I'll post the other one later i can't be stuffed posting it now


You REALLY added!

Did you like, punch a doobie before getting back to work?

Anyway, I love it! Love the Zombies esspecially!
I dont think the bus is out of perspective ..follow the vanishing point, it lines up

it may be out of proportion but not out of perspective ...nice work btw ...autotcad?
thats brilliant :thumbs:

i love the helicopter thing
I don't like how all the zombies are the same drawing, copy paste :(

Very busy scene! Love the style.
That's extreme on so many levels :thumbs:
vegeta897 said:
I don't like how all the zombies are the same drawing, copy paste :(

Very busy scene! Love the style.
Yeah i don't like that either, but that was mainly due to time restraints as it was due today and i simply didn't have time to create another bunch of monsters.
If i had another term to finish it i would've made the scene a whole lot more detailed and intricate, like something out of "Where's Waldo"

And no i didn't use Autocad or any 3d program, just lots of tedious pencil work.

I really love the architecture :cheers:

keep us posted on your grades! good luck
Seriously nice work man. I like your other graphics type stuff too.