w00t, i'm in the top 100 posters

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I'm the 93rd highest poster! What no. are you?
3597 of our regestered users have never posted.
Edit: You're joking right? *nervous laughter**memerises postcount*

if riomhares postcount was deleted i would be 248 :D
this cant be right ...I'm in second place (comradebadger and I are neck in neck) ...1st if you only count active members

Twelfth. Hmm, I used to be in the Top 10. Time to regain that.
Seems Munro's 100 and i'm 101, what a loser, i dont belong here bai!
and where's the top list? The 1st one has the most posts or the most posts per day?
Is this the most posts or the most intensive posters?
Once... way back, when this forum first started, I was in the top ten posters, it was different then, we had old money, I earned tuppence a week.
I've been trailing Asus for ****ing EONS i tell you. I'll pass him soon enough.
Axyon said:
Twelfth. Hmm, I used to be in the Top 10. Time to regain that.

I'll tell them to reset your post count if you spam, young man! :naughty:
DiSTuRbEd said:
I'll tell them to reset your post count if you spam, young man! :naughty:
Pah! Time for you kiddies to get a lesson in efficient posting without spam ;)
Useless numbers.

/me crosses arms and pouts in the shadows of non-recognition
lol... toplists are for jerks!..

.. /Cries.... :(
find your name on the members list, organized by most posts
the dark elf is the first
what happened to him?
How do you tell? o_O

Edit - without counting everyone above me? I'm on the fourth page...
how the fvck do you people post so much...
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