
The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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A Milwaukee County courtroom erupted into violence and screaming after a Wisconsin man was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday morning.

WTMJ-TV reports three deputies tackled 19-year-old Seandell Jackson and sprayed him with pepper spray after he became enraged by the sentence and glared at the victim's family.

Meanwhile, Jackson's family turned to the victim's family and began yelling, "We hate you, we hate you, God is the judge."

Jackson was convicted in February of first-degree intentional homicide and attempted robbery in the death of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student Nathan Potter in July.

A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee film student shot and killed while walking near his Riverwest apartment was the victim of a random robbery attempt, according to a 19-year-old suspect charged in the case.

Thomas told police that Jackson said he shot Potter because he had no money.

Both men face up to 35 years in prison if convicted.

Potter was shot July 6 in the 2500 block of N. Dousman St. near his apartment in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood. He was 21.

According to the complaint and a search warrant affidavit, witnesses at both shootings identified Jackson from a group of photos, and shell casings recovered from both shootings came from the same gun.

"We knew it wasn't any other reason" than a robbery, she said. "Nathan was a good guy. If they had asked for his iPhone, he'd have given it to them," but he had no money with him, she said. They didn't take the phone or his camera, she said. "They just shot him and left him," she said. "It's just a nightmare. Good people being hurt for no reason."

According to Thomas, who acted as a lookout, Jackson approached Potter and shot him with a .45-caliber handgun. The pair ran to Thomas' house on N. Pierce St. and played video games, Thomas told police.

What a bitch ass.
I always wonder when I'm out especially doing what I'm doing right now delivering newspapers at early hours of the morning, is somebody who is trying to rob me going to be vindictive if I don't have much or any money on me? I don't typically carry any money with me when I go out, and if i do it's for a specific purpose.

"Two dollars? You only have two dollars? Man, **** you..." <stab/shoot>
Meanwhile, Jackson's family turned to the victim's family and began yelling, "We hate you, we hate you, God is the judge."

He admitted to the killing. I don't see where the family gets off saying that shit. Should be the other way around.
It's ridiculous, the guy shoots some random college student for not having money, gets a life sentence, throws a tempter tantrum, and then the convict's family bitches at the already grieving family because.... their son is going to jail because he killed their son.

-Shit like that makes me hate humanity.
I always wonder when I'm out especially doing what I'm doing right now delivering newspapers at early hours of the morning, is somebody who is trying to rob me going to be vindictive if I don't have much or any money on me? I don't typically carry any money with me when I go out, and if i do it's for a specific purpose.

"Two dollars? You only have two dollars? Man, **** you..." <stab/shoot>

A friend of mine had the shit beaten out of him for $2. They shattered his jaw and he was unconscious in the hospital for 2 days.
I've always been told that you are supposed to pull out your wallet for them to see, and then quickly toss it to the side, and run.
A friend of mine had the shit beaten out of him for $2. They shattered his jaw and he was unconscious in the hospital for 2 days.

<sigh> That's terrible. And it also makes me worry for myself when I'm out there.
I've always been told that you are supposed to pull out your wallet for them to see, and then quickly toss it to the side, and run.
I believe that would get you shot.

This ****** should be put to death.
I believe that would get you shot.

This ****** should be put to death.

after his organs are harvested for either research or to save a few lives

but yeah why are we paying for this shitbag to breath and eat and sleep. i'll pay for the 20 cents it costs to put 2 bullets in his head. now thats justice
According to Thomas, who acted as a lookout, Jackson approached Potter and shot him with a .45-caliber handgun. The pair ran to Thomas' house on N. Pierce St. and played video games, Thomas told police.
I know this family (the Potters) very well. I'm from Milwaukee. Holy shit. Nate and Nick were somewhat close to my family. Nate is the guy who was killed... he would never have hurt a fly, tbh. All this further drama just makes shit worse.
after his organs are harvested for either research or to save a few lives

but yeah why are we paying for this shitbag to breath and eat and sleep. i'll pay for the 20 cents it costs to put 2 bullets in his head. now thats justice
A death penalty costs more than a life sentence.
This ****** should be put to death.

I know this family (the Potters) very well. I'm from Milwaukee. Holy shit. Nate and Nick were somewhat close to my family. Nate is the guy who was killed... he would never have hurt a fly, tbh. All this further drama just makes shit worse.

Damn, did you just hear about his death now?
Nah I went to his wake and everything a while back. Nate and I both went to UWM and he and his brother went to my high school. This is the first I've heard of all the courtroom drama though. Crazy stuff. I really just hope they get some time away from all the press and drama... they're a really nice and well to do family. Genuinely nice folks (they run a painting business and everyone from my home town knows them). I hate to see such undeserved trauma. Feels like so much abhorrent shit is going on back home to my friends while I'm away at school in Indiana.

Milwaukee, particularly that area of the East Side where my Uni was, has had hugely elevated crime rates. I love the place but it's getting ****ing dangerous just walking to class or to parties. I remember getting approached and nearly mugged/hassled multiple times. I feel so lucky to have gotten out of all that... UWM is a great school in an increasingly unfortunate environment. The neighborhood where Nate got shot has an even worse situation, but many who attend UWM cannot afford housing near the campus so they go there (Riverwest). I swear I hear about another shooting happening there every week.
I've always been told that you are supposed to pull out your wallet for them to see, and then quickly toss it to the side, and run.

Nah, this is how you do it.


Also, you're late to the party with that joke Remus.
I know this family (the Potters) very well. I'm from Milwaukee. Holy shit. Nate and Nick were somewhat close to my family. Nate is the guy who was killed... he would never have hurt a fly, tbh. All this further drama just makes shit worse.

That is absolutely bizarre that you know this family.