Wal-Mart's HL2 system requirements...

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[SARCASM]Wal-Mart: the authoritative last word on computer game system requirements and shipping dates.[/SARCASM]
Well, Wallmart is gay, if you haven't already figured that out.

EDIT: Nicely put SMT. :upstare:
Seems in line with what was stated a while ago... miight be a bit higher now, though. Hopefully not...
Wal-Mart is going to take over the world. Damn super wal-marts are amazing... Whoever is the store manager at a specific super wal-mart must take lots of speed.
Dude, anybody should know by now that those are very approximate dates. Wal-Mart, nor EB know when HL2 is coming out. They have dates there for guidance.
Wal-Mart is communist, imo. I don't trust them at all.
Was'nt it doug or gabe that mentioned that they might have to push the minimum cpu req. to a 1 ghz?
scribblehead said:
Was'nt it doug or gabe that mentioned that they might have to push the minimum cpu req. to a 1 ghz?
Ya, I think so... but it's supposed to still be able to run on DX6 cards.

And I bet a 700 MHrz might still be worth trying it on...
EC said:
Wal-Mart is communist, imo. I don't trust them at all.

Exactly. Communists who happen to exemplify the very essence of capitalism.

... :dozey:
Im getting hl2 from walmart becuase the price is 49.82 instead of 49.99, i save 17 cents :rolleyes:
Let us all be silent for a moment and think how much we hate Wal-Mart....................

And those system reqs are already known.
Epyon said:
Im getting hl2 from walmart becuase the price is 49.82 instead of 49.99, i save 17 cents :rolleyes:
Why not get it at amazon.com? It's only $44.99 there. You save a whopping FIVE whole dollars! :rolleyes:

*Does not include shipping and handling charges.
According to a few statements from the print magazines last month, the system requirements will probably be upped slightly to be in line with DirectX 7.0 systems.
Letters said:
Ya, I think so... but it's supposed to still be able to run on DX6 cards.

And I bet a 700 MHrz might still be worth trying it on...

last i heard valve has upped the system requirements to DX7 card/800(possibly 1000)mhz.
Letters said:
Ya, I think so... but it's supposed to still be able to run on DX6 cards.

And I bet a 700 MHrz might still be worth trying it on...
Nope, they have pushed the absolute minimal specs up to DX7 video card, 1 ghz CPU, and 256 mb ram
I will laugh my f****** head off if this release date turns out to be right...which it won't.
Yup, they're just using the old information that was given, which makes this thread redundant. Closed.
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